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Ningbo Artists Awarded in the National Youth Art Exhibition

In the fourth national youth art exhibition, Wang Xiongwei, an artist from the Sha-Menghai Calligraphy Institution won the award for excellence with his The Water of the Chilly River, outstripping its 20,000 rivals. Wang was awarded in Beijing on December 3rd.
The national youth art exhibition is a national comprehensive exhibition jointly sponsored by All-China Youth Federation, China Literature Federation and China Art Association to discover talented youth artists.
Apart from Wang, this year there have been other 18 people from the Institution whose works have been exhibited and awarded in the municipal, provincial and national art exhibitions.

NFTZ becomes an important functional zone

By means of intelligentized system of supply, purchase and distribution and by vigorously expanding sources of supplying core high value-added materials, Ningbo International Trade Ocean Shipping Supply CO., LTD has occupied 50% of Ningbo ocean shipping supply market. At present, it has become the only domestic supplier of the France Bourbon and ranked into the top-three list of service providers in ocean shipping.
The NFTZ has gathered many shipping service corporations like Ningbo International Trade Ocean Shipping Supply CO., LTD. The Zone is striving to improve the shipping service environment and trying to attract the leading shipping companies to invest there through deepening the shipping resources concentration and custom clearance service. Besides, NFTZ is exploring the high value-added modern shipping services and aiming to strengthen its comprehensive service ability.
The industry agglomeration of shipping logistics service is a prerequisite for Ningbo’s transformation from a transport port to a trade and logistics port. Relying on Ningbo Port Custom  Clearance Center, NFTZ has gathered 72 shipping service enterprises such as COSCO International Freight Co., Ltd., China Shipping Container Liners Co., Ltd., Ningbo Taiping International Trade Transportation Co., Ltd. and China United Tally Co., Ltd. These enterprises cover customs declaration, inspection declaration freight forwarders, shipping agency, tally and harbor engineering, and their services reach the whole Yangtze River Delta. From January to August this year, its agency value has topped 4 billion CNY and there emerged some shipping services enterprises each with annual revenue of over ten million CNY.
In NFTZ, the ship trading service business is in the ascendant. The Ningbo Ship Trading Co., Ltd in NFTZ is the first batch of seven ship sales and purchase service institutions which accord with Provisions on the Administration of Ship Sales and Purchase. This company has introduced modern transaction mode and can provide lots of services, such as information publishing, ship management, ship evaluation, ship brokerage, auction of ship and transaction and clearing. This year it has sold 59 ships with a volume of trade reaching 540 million CNY.
At present, NFTZ is vigorously exploring ship financial leasing and other high-end business for the purpose of building the pilot zone of modern ship service industry. “We will fully give play our prominent advantages of political function, industrial agglomeration and encouraging exploration to forge NFTZ into an important zone of marine economy and international giant port. ” said Ma Zhaoxiang, director of the Administrative Committee of NFTZ

Tourist Festival brings consumption of 7.8 billion yuan

On November 23, it is learnt from Ningbo Tourism Bureau that the two-month Ningbo Tourist Festival stimulated the tourist consumption with a total value of 7.8 billion yuan. This year's Festival also extended the traditional "golden week" and "golden month" for Ningbo tourism into "golden quarter".

Statistics show that the 2011 Ningbo Tourist Festival brought into Ningbo 9.2 million tourists home and abroad, 4.31 million of which were received during the golden week of October, when the total tourist revenue reached 3.175 billion yuan. Since 2008, the Tourist Festival has brought about 26 million tourists to Ningbo with a total tourist revenue of 23.1 billion yuan.

According to the international convention, when the per capita GDP surpasses $3,000, tourism will usher in an explosive growth. Last year, the per capita GDP in Ningbo surpassed $10,000, up to the level of an upper developed country, and the tourist expenses grew fairly rapidly.

Nowadays, tourism for Ningbo citizens has demonstrated a feature of diversification, individuality and leisure-orientation. All kinds of traveling, such as traveling abroad, walking the ancient road, mountaineering, riding bicycles, taking vacations, sea fishing and hot spring spas, are springing up. According to the statistics from Ningbo Tourist Bureau, the number of tourists traveling abroad in way of package tour arranged by travel agencies reached 260,000 last year

Ningbo received provincial-level reexamination as Model Environmental Protection Cities of China

From November 29 to 30, a provincial-level pre-assessment group for the Model Environmental Protection Cities of China made a reexamination in Ningbo.

In the two days, the provincial-level pre-assessment group, in four sets, made examinations of the documents concerned and went to Yuyao, Zhenhai, Beilun and Yinzhou, making on-the-spot examinations of the major industrial enterprises and environment facilities including the South Sewage Water Treatment Plant, Ningbo Donghai Storage Battery Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Luyuan Power Plant. In the South Sewage Water Treatment Plant, the experts listened to a report and made careful checkups of the whole procedure of the work of the plant.

Ningbo was entitled as a Model Environmental Protection City of China in 2001 and in 2006 it successfully passed the first reexamination for the honor. It is learned that the reexamination for the Model Environmental Protection Cities of China contains 26 assessment indicators, concerning four categories of the economy and social conditions, environment, environment construction and environment management. Examinations are made of pollutants discharge reduction, environment quality (of water, air and noise), construction of environment infrastructural facilities, and environment capacity and so on.

Since it passed the first reexamination five years ago, Ningbo has further improved the environment infrastructural facilities and raised its capacity for the prevention and control of pollution. Now, in terms of the general environment quality, Ningbo ranks the middle of the 113 key cities for environment protection. The rate of good-air days amounts to 86.6%. The drinking water in cities and rural areas is all from quality water reservoirs and 100% of the drinking water sources is up to the standard. The city has built 24 wastewater treatment plants, with a daily treatment capacity reaching 1.44 million tons. The rate of waste water concentrated treatment in urban areas is above 95%. The city is basically up to the assessment standards for the Model Environmental Protection Cities of China

Seven works won the award for folk literature and art

The list for the 10th Mountain Flower Award for China folk literature and art was announced recently, and seven pieces of works from Ningbo have the honor to get the award, which made Ningbo the city with the most awards. This is the first time for Ningbo to get a "grand slam" in all the main award items, such as Academic Book Award, Folk Literature Award, Folk Art Performance Award and Folk Arts and Crafts Award.

It is reported that the seven winners are as follows: the 300,000-word book "On Butterfly Lovers Culture", co-authored by the butterfly lovers culture expert Zhou Jingshu and Shi Xiaofeng, and "Cultural Memory of Cicheng Rice Cake", a book composed by writer Wang Jing in three years, both got the Academic Book Award; "East China Sea Dragon Dancing", performed by the East China Sea dragon-dancing team, got the Folk Art Performance Award; the "teeth playing" show performed by Ninghai Ping Tune Opera team got the Unique Folk Artistry Award; the gold and silver colored embroidery "Ningbo Picture", produced by Qiu Zhuqun, and the eaglewood woodcarving "Wishful Ginseng" by Chen Mingwei, both got the Folk Arts and Crafts Award; and the "Ten Mile Marriage Parade Legends", composed by Liu Shangcai, got the Folk Literature Award. All these awarded works symbolize Ningbo's success in the fields of folk literature, arts and crafts. They are undoubtedly distinctive representatives of the fruitful achievements of Ningbo in building the strong cultural city and implementing the strategy of creating cultural masterpieces, and a major breakthrough of the creative efforts in creating the fine folk culture works.

It is also learnt that the winners are all key projects supported by Ningbo Federation of Literature in its strategy of fine literature and art works, and many of them have the unprecedented academic achievements in their respective fields. Specifically speaking, "On Butterfly Lovers Culture" is the first piece of comprehensive academic works in the study of the Butterfly Culture. It systematically discussed the origin and heritage of the culture and unprecedentedly proposed the concept of the Butterfly Culture system. "Cultural Memory of Cicheng Rice Cake", based on this specific Cicheng cultural phenomenon, made a solid field research and gave it a deep cultural interpretation. It sets a good example on how to gain insight in a small research topic. "Ten Mile Marriage Parade Legends" embodies the unique marriage traditions and culture in Ninghai County in a folklore form. It shows the typical marriage culture in the South area of the Yangtze River by presenting people all the articles a woman may bring to her husband's and the grand marriage scene through the narration of the typical marriage ceremony in Ninghai County. The gold and silver colored embroidery "Ningbo Picture" is a combination of creativity and innovation in terms of embroidering style. All the diversified embroidering stitches of the clothes of characters and unique way of picturing architectures make it a masterpiece of embroidery combining the traditional and modern crafts

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