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Zhejiang appointed key areas for marine economy

The 5th session of the 11th Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress opened on January 12. In the government work report, Xia Baolong, Vice Governor of Zhejiang, pointed out that Zhejiang should substantially promote modern marine industries and optimize the plan and industrial layout of Huangzhou Bay, Taizhou Bay, Sanmen Bay and Oujiangkou Area. This indicates that these areas are appointed key areas for modern marine industries of Zhejiang.

Reportedly, in these areas, the priority should be given to emerging marine industries, advanced port-oriented manufacturing industries, marine service industries and modern marine fishery, and the scientific development and uses of marine resources.

This year, for the construction of a layout that consists of a core, two wings, three circles, nine areas and islands, the province will strengthen the coordinated efforts of all the cities and counties for the promotion of the construction of the demonstrative marine economic development areas. The province will further promote the construction of the international logistic centers for staple commodities, strengthen the integration of the port resources, improve the management mechanism for the Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, and enhance the coastal infrastructural facilities and the sea and railway transport network. It will improve the logistic service system, and accelerate the construction of the transaction platforms for staple commodities and storage and transport bases for the strategic materials for the state.

The report says that this year the province will complete the construction of the Hang-Yong Passenger Railway and promote the prophase work for the dual line of the Yong-Tai-Wen Highway

Ningbo keeping low registered unemployment rate in cities and towns

According to a report from a meeting on labor and social security, in 2011 Ningbo made notable achievements in promotion of employment. In the year the city had 148,000  more urban residents employed. The registered unemployment rate in cities was 3.44%, and for successively 6 years the rate has been under 4%.

To promote employment, the city has implemented a series of policies resulting in very good social effects.

College graduates are important resources and therefore their employment was the focus of the work of the government. Jin Junjie, Director of Ningbo Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, said that in the last year the city organized various special activities like the "job fair for college graduates", the "employment service month" and the practice program for graduates. The city established 117 practice bases for college graduates, offered opportunities for 16,000 college graduates to work in the bases, and the employment rate for the graduates for their first job reached 91.03%. In addition, the city dealt out 649 million yuan of various subsidies for employment, which benefitted 123,500 people. The city offered 8,700 public-welfare jobs.

By the end of 2011, the city had established 152 platforms for employment service and the service network covers all the communities and towns. 5 college graduates business parks and 3 vocational training bases were established. 1,000 college graduates got supported in their business establishment. The city increased 92,000 businesses, involving 33,000 people. It granted 66,570,000 yuan of small loans, increased by 47% over the same period of previous year.

In front of the tough economic situation, the city had 186,000 people trained for employment. The expenditure on unemployment insurance reaches 464 million yuan. All these measures effectively promoted the healthy development of enterprises and lay a solid foundation for the employment of the city

81 billion yuan invested in major projects in 2011

It is learned on January 4 from Ningbo Major Projects Office that in 2011 the investment in major projects reached 81 billion yuan, and that in major battle-tackling projects reached 55 billion yuan, both over-fulfilling the annual plan. The construction of the four main fields including major infrastructure projects, major urban functional areas, major industrial projects and major livelihood projects advances comprehensively in Ningbo. The construction of 83 projects such as the Ningbo base of China South Locomotive brought about an investment of 28 billion yuan.  

The modernized traffic system is increasingly becoming perfect. After years' construction, a batch of major infrastructure projects have been completed and put into operation. The east ring expressway opened to traffic at the end of last year. It not only completed the real "circle" of the whole ring expressway, but also formed an expressway network with multi-spots into and from Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway, the connecting road of Hangzhou Bay Bridge and the connecting road of Zhoushan Bridge. The completion and operation of the "five roads and four bridges" and the majority of connecting ring roads form a seamless interface between expressways and urban roads. The completion of the Hangzhou-Ningbo passenger railway will further reduce the temporal and spatial distance between Ningbo and other major cities in the Yangtze River Delta area. The opening of the airport road expressway brings Ningbo into the "three-dimensional traffic era."

The urban function is further promoted. The accumulated investment in the eastern new town added up to 50 billion yuan. 24 major projects including the north sector of Ningbo International Financial Service Center and Ningbo Human Resources Development Service Center have been put into operation. It is estimated that the space frame of the downtown area will be enlarged with the speeding-up of another 35 projects. The construction of the satellite town has been accelerated. So have been the constructions of the Outlet Shopping Mall, the infrastructure project of the "four horizontal and four vertical" backbone road network in Guanhaiwei, the major project of Ningbo Samsung High-tech Industrial Park, and the livelihood project of the north area of Ningbo Women and Children's Hospital.

The upgrading of some major industries is accelerated. The construction of such projects as the Ningbo Base of China South Locomotive enabled the equipment manufacturing industry to make significant progress. It is estimated that the Hangzhou Bay New Town will complete a total investment of 10 billion yuan by its gathering effect after the operation of the first phase of the Geely Automobile project. 61 well-known designing enterprises home and abroad have settled down in the Hefeng Creativity Square, which will become the new booster for the transformation and upgrading of Ningbo's industry. The trial opening of Ningbo Bulk Commodity Exchange symbolizes a solid step forward in terms of the port and shipping logistics service system.

People's livelihood continues to improve. The Jingjia Village resettlement housing is put into use, the construction of the public rental housing in Hongtang Town of Jiangbei District is completed, and the construction of the affordable housing in Chenpodu Village and economic housing in Pujia Village is accelerated. The problem of "medical treatment difficulty" will be greatly eased with the operation of the newly-rebuilt Ningbo No.1 Hospital and the acceleration of the construction of the east area of the Lihuili Hospital and the north area of Ningbo Women and Children's Hospital. The sewage treatment system will also be improved with the operation of the 2nd phase of the south area sewage treatment system and the accelerated construction of the 3rd phase of Yandong Sewage Treatment Plant and the sewage treatment plant with a daily industrial wastewater treatment capacity of 30,000 tons in the north area

Industry's general output of Ningbo reaches 1,000 billion yuan in 2011

In 2010, the total output of industries of Ningbo for the first time exceeded 1,000 billion yuan. From January to November last year, the gross value of industrial output of large enterprises of Ningbo amounts to 1,075.3 billion yuan, increased by 19.5% over the precious year.

The statistics show that from January to November last year, the industrial added value of large enterprises reaches 216.4 billion yuan, 12% more than the previous year; the profit tax reaches 106.32 billion yuan and the profit totals 57.13 billion yuan, increased by 10.8% and 4.9% respectively. The total score of the 11 economic indicators is 279.7 points, 13 points more than the same period of the previous year.

From January and November, the amount of sales of the large enterprises of Ningbo increased by 20%, of which the sales value of the internal market increased by 24.7%, covering 76.7% of the total industrial sales value, 2.9 points higher than the same period of the last year. The situation of over reliance on the international market has been basically changed.

From January to October last year, the profit tax and profit of the 220 key enterprises monitored by Ningbo Municipal Economic Information Commission increased by 22.1% and 22.2% respectively, 4.8 and 8.9 points higher than the average. In the last year, Ningbo has 13 enterprises listed in "Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises of China for 2011", accounting for one fifth of the total number of enterprises of Zhejiang on the list.

From January to November this year, the expenditure on scientific and technological activities of large enterprises increased by 35.9%. The investment in technological renovation increased by 11.0%, covering 70.2% of the total industrial investment of Ningbo, 7.1 points higher than the previous year. The patent rights obtained increased by 34.4%. The output value of new products of the industrial enterprises above the designated size increased by 27.4%, 7.9 points higher than production growth rate.

In June last year, The negative growth of industrial investment that had lasted for 12 months came to an end. By the end of November last year, The industrial investment completed reached 59.34 billion yuan, increased by 5.1% over the precious year, making a new high since 2008.

Ningbo's emergency vegetable reserve covers over 10 days

In order to guarantee the stable level of Ningbo's "vegetable basket", Ningbo Trade Bureau launched the emergency project to increase the vegetable reserve enough to cover 10 days.

On January 3, it is learned from Ningbo Aquatic Products Wholesale Market and Meat, Poultry & Eggs Wholesale Market, that there is a significant increase in the citizens' purchase of poultry and aquatic products during the New Year's Day holiday. To be specific, the daily transaction volume for the Aquatic Products Wholesale Market increased about 20%. In case of low temperature and extreme weather conditions, the "vegetable basket" will undergo great pressure from both the Spring Festival goods purchase and citizens' daily consumption. To prevent such situation, Ningbo Trade Bureau launched the emergency reserve plan on January 4. In accordance with the requirements for 10 days' consumption for citizens, the pig live stock will be increased to 120,000 heads, and the dynamic reserves for vegetables, aquatic products and raw materials for soy bean products will be increased to 5000 tons, 3000 tons and 1500 tons respectively. "Even if we may experience the sleet weather as we did last year, people will not have to worry about their food." said a related official from the Vegetable and Non-staple Food Division of Ningbo Trade Bureau. Starting from January 4, they will put the daily market monitoring system into operation to adjust the supply for the "vegetable basket" as necessary.

Besides the dynamic reserve, the commodity sourcing organization for main "vegetable basket" goods has also been carried out. It is learned from Ningbo Vegetable Wholesale Market, related purchasers have returned to Ningbo from Hainan and some other cities within Zhejiang Province with purchase and sale contracts for over 2000 tons of season leafy vegetables. In addition, the live pig slaughter enterprises are also actively expanding their purchasing channel by improving purchasing volumes from Fujian Province and Jiangxi Province

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