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2nd Hengfeng Award Industrial Design Contest opened

At the press conference of Ningbo Municipal Government on July 26, it was announced that the 2nd Hengfeng Award Industrial Design Contest opened. At the press conference, 153 manufacturing industrial projects were declared for industrial designs all over the world.

Ningbo is strong in manufacturing industry and relatively weak in industrial design, and this has been a restriction for the transformation and upgrading of some traditional manufacturing industries. "This contest of global scope aims to help the small and medium-sized enterprises in this aspect," said Chen Binrong, Vice Secretary General of Ningbo Municipal Government.

It is learned that the contest aims to promote the combination of manufacturing and designing. The awards are of four categories: "Award for Best Creative Work", "Award for Best Integration Project", "Award for Best Design", and "Award for Industrial Promotion."

All these come from the needs of the manufacturing industries of Ningbo. In perspectives of the industrial upgrading and the industrial structural adjustment, the organizer of the contest selected 153 projects needed for designing, involving over 12 million yuan. These projects are of such industries as electrical appliance, motor components, equipment, medical and fitness equipment.

Ningbo has 88 star-rated hotels

According to updated statistics from Ningbo Municipal Tourist Administration, this year, 2 five-star hotels opened in Ningbo, and with them, Ningbo now has 16 five-star hotels, ranking the second place in Zhejiang for the number of five-star hotels.

Plus the 21 four-star hotels and 51 three-star hotels, Ningbo has 88 star-rated hotels, keeping the front position among the cities of the same level in the country.

This year, the star-rated hotels have had a good situation, with increasing growth in occupancy and operating income. Statistics show that in the first half this year, the average occupancy of the star-rated hotels reached 59.37%, increased by 1.11 points above the same period of the previous year; the average room rate is 308.45 yuan, up by 3.44%.

Ningbo's GRP in the first half of 2011 amounted to ¥271.36 billion, a corresponding increase of 10.3% per comparable price calculation

According to www., it is learned from the press conference on Ningbo's economic situation in the first half of 2011 that, against the background of macro-retrenchment, Ningbo's economy has maintained a steady and comparatively rapid development, with the first half of 2011 laying a very good beginning. Ningbo's GRP(Gross Regional Product) in the first half of the year amounted to ¥271.36 billion, a corresponding increase of 10.3% per comparable price calculation.

According to Tang Bosheng, chief statistician and spokesman of the municipal bureau of statistics, the first industry brought in an added value of ¥9.69 billion, an increase of 3.4%; the second industry ¥148.6 billion, an increase of 11.2%; the third industry ¥113.07 billion, an increase of 9.8%, the ratio of the three industries being 3.57 : 54.76 : 41.67.

The first half of the year brought in a GDP of ¥15.07 billion in agriculture, forestry and fishing, a corresponding increase of 3.4% per comparable price calculation. The upgrading of industry was pushed ahead, with industrial production on steady and fairly rapid increase, with both quality and profit steadily raised. The GDP of above-size industry amounted to ¥562.42 billion, an increase of 24.1%.

The first half of the year saw a revenue of ¥572.62 billion in service industry, a corresponding increase of 21.1%. newly emerging service experienced a more rapid development, with a revenue of ¥6.61 billion for software business, a corresponding increase of 29.7%; software export amounted to $50.34 million, an increase of 19.7%, of which $11.57 million came from software outsourcing, an increase of 21%, with a revenue of ¥96.8 million. The first half of the year saw a total sale of commodities of ¥414.75 billion, a corresponding increase of 26.2%, with the consumer goods market running smoothly on the whole.

In the first half of the year, ¥108.49 billion investment in fixed assets was completed, a corresponding increase of 20.1%. What is worth mentioning is that the increase rate of investment in industry turned positive from negative, with ¥29.31 billion investment in industry completed, a corresponding increase of 4.6%, with the increase rate 2.7 percentage points higher than the same period last year and 7.2 points higher than that of the first season. ¥34.9 billion investment in housing development was completed, a corresponding increase of 35.8%, 10.5 and 36.8 points lower than the corresponding period last year and the first season of this year.

In the first half of the year, Ningbo approved 201 new foreign investment projects, 21 less than the corresponding period last year, with a contracted foreign capital of $2.41 billion, a corresponding increase of 30.3%, 19.3 points higher that the same period last year, actually using $1.43 billion, an increase of 22.2%, 28.2 points higher than the same period last year.

The general budget income of the whole city amounted to ¥80.89 billion, an increase of 31.1%, with the increase rate 8.1 points higher than the same period last year, of which the local general budget income ¥39.09 billion, an increase of 33.2%, general budget expenditure ¥32.16 billion, an increase of 32.5. By the end of June, financial institutes of Ningbo had a RMB and foreign currency loan balance of ¥1.02 trillion, a corresponding increase of 17.8%, and ¥80.36 billion more than the beginning of the year.

In the first half of the year, consumer price rose by 5.9% compared with the corresponding period last year, with 7 of the 8 categories of price rising and 1 dropping. Food and housing are the main force to push up the index, driving it 4.93 points higher, accounting for 83.6% of the increase. Prices of the 16 categories of food all rose together for the first time, with prices of grain, aquatic products, meat and their products increasing 13%, 18.2% and 17.3% respectively.

Housing prices gradually became stable. From January to June, the annular indexes of prices of newly built houses were 100.1%, 100.4%, 99.4%, 100.4%, 100.3%, 100.1%, with those of second-hand houses being 100.2%, 99.9%, 100%, 99.9%, 99.8%, respectively. Judging from the annular trend, housing price of Ningbo was stable on the whole, fluctuating about 100%, indicating that the "limit on house purchase" policy had worked effectively in keeping housing price from rising. From January to June, Ningbo's rise in housing price ranked 56th, 53rd, 54th, 57th, 55th, and 56th among the 70 large- and medium-size cities.

Urban citizens' income increased fairly rapidly. In the first half of the year, the average disposable income per capita amounted to ¥18,592, a corresponding increase of 14% (7.6% after deduction of price index), with an average consumption expense of ¥10,731 per capita, a corresponding increase of 15.4%. From the make-up of this income it can be seen that property income decreased a little compared with the corresponding period last year while other items of income increased by different degrees. The average salary income per capita for urban citizens amounted to ¥13.167, a corresponding increase of 10.2%, still the decisive factor of the income increase. The average net income per capita from business operation amounted to ¥2,183, a corresponding increase of 28.2%.

The increase in income for rural people was faster that urban people. In the first half of the year, the average cash income per capita for rural people amounted to ¥10,228, a corresponding increase of 15.3% (8.5% after deduction of price index), 2.8 percentage points higher than the corresponding period last year and 1.2 points higher than the first season.

First China Smart City Expo to open in Ningbo

According to a related meeting held on July 22, 2011 China Smart City Technology & Applications Expo will open from September 2 to 4 in Ningbo. So far, the work of the exhibition invitation has been completed by 70%, and the official website of the Expo ( has opened.

This is China's first and largest expo on the subject of smart city, and it will consist of the exhibitions and forums. The place for the exhibitions will be Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center in 4 exhibition halls. The mail hall will be for the themed exhibition and for large enterprises, and the other 3 halls will be for the three largest operators of communications and their partners.

In the meanwhile, there will open 5 forums: the Summit Forum of Smart Cities, China IT Service Meeting, Summit Forum of Smart Health, Summit Forum of the Integration of the Three Nets, and the Summit Forum of Smart Equipmennt. It is estimated that about 10 projects will be signed on during the expo.

The sixth session of Ningbo Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

On the afternoon of July 19, the sixth session of Ningbo Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries was held. Chenxin, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and director of the association was present and delivered a speech.

The meeting examined the work report of the fifth session and put forward proposals for work within the next five years. It also approved of the newly elected director, deputy directors and the revision of the articles of the association.

Chen points out that Ningbo is now in a critical time of internationalization, urbanization, informationalization and marketization. Opening up to the outside world has been the greatest advantage for Ningbo's development and will be the greatest foundation for Ningbo to depend on for future development. He expressed his thanks for the association's work to push forward Ningbo's friendly relationship with cities of other countries and to help private enterprises to develop business and investment in other countries. He hoped the association will continue to play its role as a bridge with other countries. He pointed out that the association should combine folk diplomacy with Ningbo's foreign trade, push forward the multi-cultural communication among peoples and show great concern for all the foreigners working and studying in Ningbo so that folk diplomacy can make further contribution to Ningbo's opening up.

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