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Auto Parts Testing Center passed CNAS on-site audit

CNAS sent an audit group to the Ningbo Auto Parts Testing Center to examine the technical capacity and review their work. After three days of hard work, the laboratory successfully passed the audit.

The inspectors examined 52 standards, ranging lighting tools, home appliances, light accessories, lighting sources, etc. This indicates that the Ningbo Auto Parts Center can not only conduct testing services of auto parts, but of lighting equipment, home appliances, and other. It is able to provide technical support and services for the auto parts industry and the electromechanical industry.

Nigeria-bound products need to have certificates

A couple of days ago, the Standardization Administration of Nigeria initiated the SONCP and market monitoring program, to eliminate unqualified projects in the market. This means that products bound to Nigeria that are under control of SONCAP must obtain SONCAP certificates and received strict supervision.

To better carry out the SONCAP, Nigeria will establish SON departments in major markets, which will serve as information centers where customers can go to identify whether they have bought the authentic products. Products without certifications of SONCAP will be rejected. To ensure importers conforming to the certified procedures, the SON administration has started to charge penalty and cash deposit for products not conforming to SONCAP.

Nigeria mainly depends on imports for industrial products, textiles and garments, building materials and porcelain. In face of increasing trade barriers, many companies of Ningbo are eyeing the Nigerian market. Statistics show that during the first half year, Ningbo has exported 1057 batches of products to Nigeria, worth 38.5 million USD, up 13% and 18 percent respectively. The export structure is getting diversified, including lighting tools, small appliances, garments and textiles, cells , etc.

Inspection and quarantine departments think that the SONCAP certification is the passport to Nigeria and is an important index of the product competitiveness. To obtain it is a must for exporters

China (Ningbo) International Smart Logistic Conference opened

China (Ningbo) International Smart Logistic Conference, jointly organized by Ningbo National Hi-tech Zone and the International Trade and Economic Cooperation Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, opened in Ningbo.

The theme of the conference is "smart logistic service of Ningbo". And it is attended by 250 people from 60 world-famous logistic information enterprises, 40 famous Chinese information enterprises and 100 related enterprises. The conference will have such events as the awarding ceremony and agreement signing ceremony. Some senior executives of some world-famous logistic and IT enterprises will speak at the conference, and Ningbo National Hi-tech Zone will introduce its advantageous conditions in the smart logistics and its services in this respect.

French Week Put on

The 2011 Ningbo French Week was opened on the evening of July 30 with some street performances of French Flavor. Vice mayor Cheng Yijun, Zheng Fahua, rep of French Consulate in Shanghai, and Ms Xu Sujuan, chairperson of Alliance Française.

It was put on as part of the Ningbo Shopping Festival 2011. In coming nine days, citizens can enjoy French wine, French foods, culture and customs. Lectures about French education, culture and tourism would be given for Ningbo people to better know of France. Some classic French movies would be shown too.

Report of talent introduction this year

On July 27, Ningbo Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security released an analysis report of talent introduction in the first half this year, which shows that by the end of June, the city has introduced 50,193 professionals, 3,295 more than the same period of last year. So far, the total of talents reaches 1.12 million.

The report says that Ningbo is strong for its improved mechanism for talent introduction, supporting policies and the environment for the growth of the imported talents. However, the high price of houses, cost of living and uncompetitive wages are becoming major factors that restrict the talent introduction.

The sources of talents introduced to Ningbo is outside Zhejiang, especially the central and western regions. 3,769 college graduates are from these places, increased by 70.1% above the same period of the previous year. Persons related say that The sincere invitation of the employers is one of reasons for the popularity of Ningbo among the job seekers outside Zhejiang. In addition, according to the guided wages of Ningbo for 2011, the monthly wage for a college graduate for his first job is generally 2,000 yuan, increased by 14% to 22% against 2010. This is a great attraction to the college graduates of the regions.

Statistics show that of the 50193 people introduced in the first half of this year, 38,198 were employed by private enterprises, covering 76.1%% of the total. However, the report points out that though a majority of the people introduced went to private enterprises, the growth rate against the same period of the last year is only 3.1%, notably slowed down compared with the past years.

The introduction of high-end talents if always an important part in Ningbo's talent introduction strategy. In this regard, The introduction of talents with senior academic titles increased by 35.7% above the same period of the previous year.

In the first half of this year, Yinzhou introduced 6,993 people, ranking No.1 in Ningbo. "That Yinzhou is favored by the job seekers is owing to the series of preferential policies of Yinzhou," said a person of Yinzhou District Personnel Bureau.

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