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Ningbo Port launches optimized measures for border inspection

It is learned from Ningbo Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection Station that according to the requirements of the “Announcement of the State Migration Administration on Policies and Measures for Optimizing Immigration Management after novel coronavirus Infection’s classification as ‘Class B Control’ disease”, from January 8, 2023, Ningbo Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station will launch the optimization measures for border inspection in Zhenhai District, Beilun District, Chuanshan Port area, Daxie Port area, Meishan Port area, Xiangshan Port and other open ports under its jurisdiction.

On issuing permit for boarding and disembarking foreign ships

Personnel who need to get on and off a foreign ship due to loading and unloading goods, maintenance operations, visits, visiting relatives, or working on board shall submit relevant documents to Ningbo Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station as required and apply for permission to get on and off. For the application for temporary boarding and disembarking foreign ships, a permit will be valid for the current voyage or for the designated ship within one month. For long-term application for boarding and disembarking foreign ships, a permit for more than one month but less than one year shall be issued.

On issuing permit for ships to call on foreign ships

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Statistics of imported food in Ningbo released

With the reduction of taxes on consumer goods and the implementation of the RCEP agreement, Ningbo has witnessed a bigger variety of imported food, and some of the once novel food has become common. Which imported food has become the new force? What imported food possesses potential for popularity? Recently, Ningbo Customs has released the big data of imported food in the first ten months of this year.

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Ningbo ranks No.1 in terms of number of safe and honest shipping companies

It is learned from Ningbo Maritime Safety Administration that this year, Ningbo witnessed the addition of a new safe and honest shipping company, and three new safe and honest shipping companies won the annual endorsement. The number of safe and honest shipping companies accounted for 12% of the total number of safe and honest shipping companies in China, ranking first in the country. In addition, 32 Ningbo ships have been newly evaluated as safe and honest ships.

So far, there are 76 safe and honest ships in Ningbo, ranking No.1 in Zhejiang Province and No.3 in China for three consecutive years, accounting for 74% of the total safe and honest ships in Zhejiang Province and 12.5% in the country.

“The steady growth of safe and honest shipping companies and safe and honest ships fully demonstrates the safety management ability of Ningbo shipping enterprises and the good reputation and competitiveness of Ningbo’s fleet in the country.” said Huang Geng, Director of the Ship Supervision Division of Ningbo Maritime Safety Administration. In order to help Ningbo ships and Ningbo shipping enterprises further improve their safety management capabilities and build a world-class competitive Ningbo fleet and world-class

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The Study of "Sea Silk" in Ningbo Has Added New Achievements, and the Book Tian Tong Temple and the Ancient Maritime Silk Road Was Published

A few days ago, one of the Ningbo Museum's Maritime Silk Road research series, Tiantong Temple and the Ancient Maritime Silk Road, was published by Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House. Written by Mo Yida, deputy director of the Maritime Silk Road Research Center of the Ningbo Museum, the book sorted out the development of Tian Tong Temple and expounded the exchange between Tian Tong Temple and Japanese Buddhist culture, which is a new achievement of the "Sea Silk" study in our city.

Mo Yida said that Tiantong Temple occupies an important position in the study of the Ningbo Maritime Silk Road, which involves the dissemination of Buddhist ideas, the exchange of personnel and monks, the dissemination of architectural art, and the influence of folk customs. However, because more people only focus on the highlights and lack basic research, Mo Yida decided to start from the monk examination and restore the status and role of Tiantong Temple in the dissemination of Zen Buddhism in China and Japan.

Tiantong Temple and the Ancient Maritime Silk Road totals 600,000 words, tracing back to the legend of the "Taibai Jingshe" in the Western Jin Dynasty to the end of the Yuan and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, taking the time line to comprehensively sort out the

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Ningbo releases report of overseas contracted projects

“Overseas contracting is one of the important ways for Ningbo enterprises to ‘go global’ and also an important starting point for jointly building the ‘Belt and Road’ area.” said a related person in charge from Ningbo Bureau of Commerce recently. The latest statistics show that the city has achieved a total labor cooperation turnover of US$25.64 billion for overseas contracted projects in 91 countries and regions.

With the continuous promotion of the joint building of the “Belt and Road” area to the direction of high-quality development, Ningbo has begun to change from the scale and speed type to the quality and efficiency type in terms of foreign contracted projects. Construction enterprises have been actively expanding overseas markets, participating in the country’s foreign economic assistance and the construction of “Belt and Road” projects, by undertaking projects in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South America and Africa.

In 2021, there were 186 registered overseas enterprises and institutions, with the registered (approved) Chinese investment of US$2.43 billion, an increase of 85.92% over 2012, and the turnover of labor cooperation in overseas contracted projects stood atUS$1.88 billion, an increase of 51.86% over 2012.

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