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Subsidies for Fuel-efficient Cars Cancelled

Since the implementation of the new subsidy policy on October 1st, most of the fuel-efficient cars can no longer receive sales subsidies worth 3000 yuan. A car dealer said that further measures would be taken after this holiday.


A billboard stood conspicuously against the door of Beijing Hyundai 4S shop, telling customers the cancel of energy subsidy. A sales consultant said there was a spurt in sales from mid to late September and subsidized cars such as Elantra and Rena were quite popular. The shop got an extra supply from manufacturers, enabling customers to get their cars before the end of September.

BYD Company has stopped the subsidy as well. “We were informed in September, so we started to promote sales and the sales increased by 30% than last month.” said Zhou Yong, a customer manager of a BYD shop.


Sales languished as car market lagged behind after the cancellation of subsidies.  “After all, 3000 yuan is not a small amount for cars less than 100,000 yuan.” said Mr. Zhong, “ The sales are expected a turnaround next month when customers get used to buy cars without energy subsidies. “


According to the sales consultant of FAW-Volkswagen 4S shop, many manufactures were likely to offer some targeted subsidies after the week-long holiday.


2012 Civil Service Exam kicks off

On Monday, It was learned from State Administration of Civil Service that China's civil service examination and appointment would kick off in mid-October.


The exam procedures include releasing recruitment notices, registration, qualification checkups, written examination, physical examination, publicity and so on. The recruitment notices will be released in mid-October, followed by registration and qualification checkups.


According to Huatu, a civil service exam training company, the examination time will be around late November or early December this year. The registration lasts from mid-October to last October.  The 2012 exam will continue to provide more chances for the grass roots.


In 2012, the number of college graduates will hit a record high, reaching over 7 million.  It is estimated that the number of registration may also be the highest.


More than one million people have passed the qualification checkups over the past three years. Since the recruitment number is limited, applicants face fierce competition. One Chinese saying compares the exam to a stampede of “thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of horses across a single log bridge”.


Yu Hongze, a senior consultant of Huatu said that working in company would encounter fierce competition. More and more gold-bowl seekers choose to take the civil service exam.


Annual Report of Foreign-funded Enterprises of Ningbo released

Recently, the Annual Report of Foreign-funded Enterprises of Ningbo 2010 was released. The report shows that in Ningbo, every 100 million US dollars of foreign capital contributes to the annual tax income of 1 million US dollars, 3,427 jobs, value of import and export of 145 million US dollars, and a profit of 157 million yuan.

As one of the first coastal cities opening to the outside world, Ningbo always persists on introducing foreign investment. According to Ningbo Municipal Foreign Economic Cooperation Bureau, by the end of 2010, the totals of investment, registered capital and paid-in capital of foreign-funded enterprises registered in Ningbo respectively increased by 4.20 billion, 3.04 billion and 2.53 billion US dollars. In 2010, the number of foreign-funded enterprises registered in Ningbo reaches 5,772, with the investment totaling 44.211 billion US dollars, registered capital 25.56 billion US dollars, and paid-in capital 23.81 billion US dollars.

The rising number of foreign-funded enterprises leads to increasing contribution to the economy of Ningbo. Reportedly, in 2010, the sales output of foreign-funded enterprises reaches 518.2 billion yuan, increased by 34 over the same period of last year; the profit totals 37.3 billion yuan, increased by 71% over the same period of last year; the tax paid amounts to 24.1 billion yuan, increased by 55% over the same period of last year; 816,000 people get jobs, covering 19.85% of the total of the employed.

Countdown for the 1st CFOEI

According to the Organizing Committee's office, as the only major trade exhibition in marine economy with the theme of investment and cooperation, the 1st China Fair for Ocean Economic Investment (CFOEI) will be held in Ningbo from November 10 to 12. At present, all preparation work is under way.


Co-sponsored by the Zhejiang provincial government and the State Oceanic Administration and organized by Ningbo municipal government, the provincial Development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments, the fair features high standards, wide ranges and creative forms, aiming to attract both investments and talents. The subordinate departments, enterprises and academies of the State Oceanic Administration will demonstrate the development in marine economy. Provinces of Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shandong plan to co-organize a pilot provincial section. The fair will be participated by delegations from 11 cities in Zhejiang Province.


An official of the organizing committee said that together with seabed mineral specimens, the 2U1 model of China’s manned submersible “Jiaolong” will be displayed at the fair.  Heroes operate the manned submersible will also be present to share images of the deep sea and their feelings. In addition, the fair will present the layout of China’s first batch of uninhabited islands development. The 2012 Yeosu Expo in Korea will then be introduce as well.

Ningbo in front rank of Zhejiang in the integrated urban and rural development

Zhejiang Provincial Statistics Department recently released Report of Comprehensive Assessment of the Integrated Development of Urban and Rural Areas for 1010 and the 11th Five-year-plan Period. According to the report, in the past five years Ningbo is in the front rank of Zhejiang in the integrated urban and rural development and as early as 2009, the city entered the highest level of "complete integration", before other cities.

The integrated development of the urban and rural areas is assessed by four indicators of twenty indexes of social development and infrastructure, people's living conditions, social security, and ecological environment.

The report shows of the past 5 years, Ningbo ranks No.1 from the 1st to the 4th year, and in 2010, the 5th year, it ranks No.2. In the year, Zhoushan ranks No.1.

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