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Press conference held for the promotion of the first Marine Economic Investment Fair

On October 11, the organizing committee of the first China Marine Economic Investment Fair held a promotion conference in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. It is learnt from the conference that a batch of high-quality marine economic projects will be signed during the fair. Also, a series of special activities, such as talents recruitment, expert forum and academicians' visit to enterprises, will provide the needed intelligent support for the development of blue economy in Zhejiang and Ningbo.

The first Marine Economic Investment Fair, to be held from November 10 to 12, will surely generate a batch of planned marine economic projects and motivate the signing and landing of others. It is estimated that over 1000 qualified investors will attend the fair, and over 10000 specialists of marine economy will come to seek cooperation. A batch of high-quality marine economic projects will be signed, including about 50 major projects or strategic cooperation agreements.

Besides attracting capital investment, the fair pays equal attention to intelligent investment. During the fair session, the organizing committee arranges some special recruitment meetings for some related enterprises, universities and research institutes. In addition, about 10 academicians in the marine economic field will give specialized talks and go to 20 major enterprises and institutes to give technological advice, seek cooperation and provide personnel training.

Wang Dianchang, Secretary of the Planning Division of China State Oceanic Administration, and Feng Bosheng, Deputy-secretary of Zhejiang Provincial Government, attended the conference. Representatives of over 60 national and local news media from Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang were present in the press conference

China International Grain and Oil Exhibition to be held

The 11th China International Grain-and-Oil Products and Equipment Technology Exhibition, jointly sponsored by China State Administration of Grain and Zhejiang Provincial Government, is to be held in Ningbo International Exhibition Centre from October 13th to 15th. On the evening of October 16, the campaign for 2011 World Grain Day candle-light vigil as well as the national grain cherishing week will be started.

About 800 related grain and oil enterprises from 28 provinces or autonomous regions or municipalities or cities specifically designated in the state plan, as well as some foreign countries such as Japan, Switzerland, Italy and South Korea, will attend the exhibition. The total area for the exhibition is 22,000 square meters, up 20% over the last year. Up to now, the organizing committee has invited over 3500 traders and distributed 50000 visiting tickets to over 40000 families in 34 residential quarters. The exhibition will be open to the citizens for their purchase of grain-and-oil products on October 14th and the morning of 15th. During the session of the exhibition, the supply and demand fair of the talents in grain industry and the forum for directors of vocational colleges for grain industry. In addition, the gold medal will be awarded to the selected products from the exhibited ones.

The World Grain Day falls in October 16th each year. At 5.00 pm, the celebrating activities for the 2011 candle-light vigil will be carried out, sponsored by China Ministry of Agriculture, China State Administration of Grain, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Zhejiang Provincial Government. In the meanwhile, the national grain cherishing week will begin.

Pension Plan to Release Pressure

According to the Office on Aging, in the past two years, Ningbo has witnessed an accelerated aging population with over one million people aged over 60 for the first time, taking up 17.83% of the population in Ningbo. To release the pressure on the ageing population, the government has unveiled many measures such as offering allowances, home care services and volunteers to help seniors.

According to the Office on Aging, Ningbo has become an aging society since 1987, 12 years earlier than other Chinese cities. And during the 11th Five Year Plan, the elderly population grew at a rate of over 4% annually, even close to 5% in the following three years -- nearly ten times faster than the total population growth. What’s noticeably true is that seniors aged over 80 have reached 150,000, represented 14.6% of senior population.

In respond to the current situation, Ningbo government has taken the lead to launch a series of initiatives to put a new welfare system in place. Currently, about 150,000 seniors in Ningbo aged over 80 have received allowances ranging from 50 to 300 yuan.


In addition to material gains, voluntary groups were set up to take care of seniors. “Senior Chatting Group” from Beilun, for example, often visited the lonely seniors and kept them company. In total, there were about 13,000 volunteers for the elderly in Ningbo.

Ningbo greeted 4.3 million tourists during the golden week

During the golden week of the national holiday, the programs prepared by the related tourism organizations and scenic spots received a warm welcome from the tourists home and abroad. Statistics from Ningbo Tourism Bureau show that during the golden week, the city received a total number of 4.309 million tourist arrivals, up 11.5% over the same period last year. And the tourist revenue added up to 3.175 billion yuan, up 15.7%.

The number of tourists organized by tourist agencies of Ningbo reached 114,600 and received by tourists agencies reached 65,400. The lease rate of the star-rated hotels reached 69.94%. All the famous scenic spots received a lot of tourists, and the top ten scenic sports that received the largest number of tourists are as follows: Xikou-Tengtou, Dongqianhu Tourist Resort, Songlanshan Beach Resort, Bridge Ecological Farm in Cixi, Dapengshan Mount Tourist Resort, Qiantong Ancient Town, Xiangshan Movie Studio, Mt. Zhaobaoshan in Zhenhai, China Jade Garden and China Fishing Village.

In addition, the prosperous tourism led to the rise of the sales of restaurants and stores during the golden week. The amount of the sales of restaurants (such as Shipu Restaurant, Tripleriver Hotel and Xiangyang Fishing Port Hotel) reached about 30 million yuan, and the amount of the sales of stores and supermarkets reached about 300 million yuan.

Government acts to keep food price stable

Statistics from the Board of Trade showed that demands for food surged during the National Day Holiday. Sales of pork, seafood, vegetables were increased by 2.2%, 20%, 5% respectively. But prices were stable due to ample supplies.

Motivated by the demands from hotel wedding and business dinners, the sales of aquatic products amounted to 520 tons in the Jiangdong seafood wholesale market. 600 tons of seafood was sold on National Day alone, hitting a record high in 17 years.

During the weeklong holiday, the government took a series of measures to rein in high prices.

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