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20 Ningbo enterprises selected as one of the top 500

private enterprises in China

On September 12th, “Top 500 Private Enterprises in China 2023” was released by the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce. A total of 20 Ningbo private enterprises were shortlisted, an increase of 2 compared to last year, and the number of shortlisted enterprises reached a historic high.

Among them, Youngor Group, Jintian Investment Holdings, and China-Base Ningbo Group respectively rank 46th, 61st, and 78th with operating revenue of 171.5 billion yuan, 134.569 billion yuan, and 116.077 billion yuan. The two newly added enterprises, Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical and Ningbo Ronbaimat Co., Ltd., respectively ranked 251st and 460th in terms of operating revenue.

Read more: 20 Ningbo enterprises selected as one...

With bank-tax interactive "loans" bringing "timely rain,"

small and medium-sized micro-enterprises in Ningbo enjoy more than 40 billion yuan of "living water"

"We are A-level taxpayers with tax credit, and after consulting the tax department, the company applied for a loan through the bank-tax interactive module with the mentality of trying it out, and I didn't expect that within a few days, the Bank of China granted a loan of 50 million yuan." Ding Gaosong, the person in charge of Ningbo Gaosong Electronics Co., Ltd., was full of feelings.

This efficient credit facility comes from the efficient collaboration between the tax department and the bank. Since the launch of this year's "Spring Wind Action to Facilitate Private Taxation",

Read more: With bank-tax interactive "loans"...

In the first half of this year, Ningbo opened 40 new first stores

The catering industry performed strongly. 

The full return of offline consumption has rekindled the enthusiasm of brands to open stores. Ningbo's first-store economy once again delivered a beautiful answer, with 40 new first stores added in the city in the first half of the year, among which the catering performance was particularly strong.

40 new first stores were opened in Ningbo in the first half of the year

According to incomplete statistics, Ningbo focused on monitoring 189 new stores in shopping malls in the first half of this year, including 1 first store in China, 9 first stores in Zhejiang and 30 first stores in Ningbo.

Read more: In the first half of this year, Ningbo...

Ningbo Airport Released Summer "Report card"

with a Number of Data Hitting a Record High

On August 31, the 62-day summer season officially ended. Yesterday, Ningbo Lishe International Airport released the "report card" of the summer festival. This year's summer vacation student flow, tourism flow, family visit flow superimposed superimposed on a number of data Ningbo Airport reached a record high.

According to statistics, during the summer festival, Ningbo Airport transported 2.548 million passengers, took off and landed 19,000 flights,

Read more: Ningbo Airport Released Summer "Report...

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