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Ningbo attends ECF

The 26th East China Fair was started at the new International Expo Center of Shanghai on March 1. To improve foreign trade, many foreign trade enterprises in Ningbo have taken measures to seek for the new breakthroughs. According to the preliminary statistics, on the first day of the fair, Ningbo trade delegation achieved a total trading volume of US$10.357 million, up by 1% over the first day of the last session.  
Faced with the changing and complicated foreign trade, many foreign trade enterprises in Ningbo have transformed from the single export model to the combined development of foreign trade and domestic trade. Take Hengmei Clothes, a company sells outdoor clothing. In 2016, the company will promote its independent brands to the domestic market by means of the e-commerce business. "So far, we have started to negotiate with the T-mall and will try to open our store at the T-mall in the second half of the year." said Zhang Junjie, representative of the company. Besides the online sales, they will also launch offline stores this year. 
A signal released by the fair is that the categorizing of exports is more refined. "The foreign clients require more professional and personalized services. To address the diversified demands, we have transformed from the OEM model to the ODM model and started a design studio in Spain to design new clothes for the high-end clients." said a person in charge from the Seduno Group. 
The cross-border e-business becomes a highlight of this session of the fair, with representatives from Ningbo Bonded Zone and Yinzhou District. With their increasing influence in the field, such e-business platforms with strategic investment as and attracted a lot of foreign suppliers at the fair, and some daily necessity suppliers from South Korea and Japan showed great interest for future cooperation.

"Cloud governance" brings smart living style

It is learned from the 6th Smartcity China that Haishu District has won the award of "leading urban district with smart governance during the 12th Five-year Plan period", the only one urban district in Zhejiang Province and the only one central urban district in the whole country to win the title. 
"As a livelihood project, the smart governance construction in Haishu District has provided the intelligence support for the ‘Happy District construction'." said a person in charge from Haishu District Bureau of Economy and Information Technology. Over the past five years, the district has formed a three-dimensional "wireless + wire" broadband information network, a governance data center in the form of "one center and two platforms", and a smart application system consisting of smart governance, smart business circle and smart community, by integrating over 200,000 pieces government affairs data from such departments as public security, urban management and sanitation. 
The district has launched various smart governance services in accordance with different livelihood needs. The district has built the "smart education" modern campus, and with the "smart classroom" of Dong'en Middle School, the "student cloud desktop" of No.15 Middle School and the "standardized data lab" of Haishu Central Primary School, the students can study online in holidays. The district has carried out the project of free public Internet access, and with 273 iNingbo hotspots covering almost all the public areas, the citizens can have access to the Internet even on the bus. The district has opened the governance microblog platform and the public Wechat account, which have helped to shorten the processing of livelihood problems, realized the timely feedback of the solution, improved the work efficiency and strengthened the unity of the citizens and the government.
"In 2016, Haishu District will continue to construct the smart urban district by strengthening services in such fields as online governance, smart business circle management and smart community." said the person in charge from Haishu District Bureau of Economy and Information Technology. The district will further improve the governance data application and announcement system, establish a precise and efficient smart urban supervision service system, and complete the construction of the online governance service platform integrating such service functions as real-time acceptance, collaborative treatment by departments, and online unified enquiry of feedbacks. It will realize the convenient and intelligent services for smart business circle management, promote the parking guidance, shopping navigation and mobile payment in major business circles, and enhance the information management and service levels of the business circles. The district will also build the smart community management service system with full functions, and carry out the smart home and digital home demonstration and application to drive the breakthroughs in smart home technology and products and improve the citizens' life quality.

Charity fair held at Sunlake Park

The "Lantern Festival" Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of Jiangbei District as well as the charity fair themed on "charity and education" was held at the Sunlake Park at 8 o'clock on February 21. This is the first charity fair organized by Baisha Street in the new year, and all the money raised will be used to help the 100 students in need from four schools in the area to realize their "micro wishes".

At the fair, all the 26 primary and secondary schools in Jiangbei District had their own booths, displaying their featured items, such as prints, paper-cutting, clay modeling, calligraphy, DIY lanterns and palm leaf articles. At the booth of the Jiangbei Central Primary School, the students were making ink and wash paintings on gourds, oil-paper umbrellas, cups and bookmarks with the theme of "children's rhythm in ink and wash painting". Mao Chengxuan, a member of the Art Club of the school, was engaged in painting on an oil-paper umbrella. "We have prepared a lot for the fair. We went to many places and visited various kinds of sceneries, and then we are now just drawing out all the people, things and scenes to share with others." said Mao.

The items at the booth of the Zhuangqiao Central Primary School were sold out within two hours. "It is quite out of our expectation." said Guan Yiyi, the leading teacher of the school. The items they brought to the fair are mainly some pearl mud photo frames and pencil vases, and some rattan plaited pendants, all made by the members of the creative art club of the school.

"It is quite meaningful for the students to make wealth by their hands and raise money for those in need." said a person in charge from Jiangbei District Bureau of Education.

It is reported that about 16,600 yuan was raised by this charity fair, jointly organized by Jiangbei District Party Committee, the Civilization Office of Jiangbei District, Jiangbei District Bureau of Education and Baisha Street. The use of the raised money will be announced at the public Wechat platform of the "Baisha Volunteers" for public supervision.

30,000 more public bicycles to be put into use

It is learned from a related meeting that besides the existing 30,000 public bicycles in use now, Ningbo will put into use another 30,000 bicycles during the 13th Five-year Plan period, realizing the distribution of public bicycles within 200 meters in the major urban area. 
The year of 2016 is the first year of the Five-year Plan period, and the first half of the year will see the completion and trial operation of the second phase of the Rail Transit Line No.1. In the urban area, five new bus routes will be launched and 30 routes will be optimized, no less than five featured routes including the customized bus routes, the micro community routes, and the special linking routes will be built, adding 40 kilometers to the bus route web, and the running process of 20 bus routes will be accelerated. In 2016, 200 new public bicycle stations will be built, with 5,000 bicycles put into use. In addition, the bus station hub construction will be sped up, with an added station area of 120,000 square meter. The project planning and preparation work of the stations will be carried out in the principle of proper connecting, extended planning and phased implementation, and the stations will be beautified with some lighting projects

50 Million bank cards issued in Ningbo

According to what is learned from the Ningbo branch of China UnionPay, the issued volume of the bank cards in Ningbo City reaches 54.5654 million up to the end of 2015, among which 46.4849 million are debit cards and 8.0765 million are credit cards with a new increase of China Union Pay cards achieving 9.5635 million, debit cards 8.4984 million and credit cards 1.0651 million.
At the year of 2015, the accumulative total number of multi-bank transactions exceeded 150 million with the amount of settlement achieving over 580.5 million yuan , a year-on-year growth of more than 30 percent, and the total number of the specially engaged commercial units exceeded 200 thousand.
At the same time, the Ningbo branch of China Unionpay has intensified the issuance and promotion of the Financial Integrated Circuit Cards (the Citizen Cards). By the end of 2015, the accumulated new increase of IC cards reached 8.8027 million, with a year-on-year increase of 53.79 percent while the issued volume of the IC cards has achieved 24.2805 million, constituting 44.5 percent of the total issuance.


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