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Ningbo attends ECF

The 26th East China Fair was started at the new International Expo Center of Shanghai on March 1. To improve foreign trade, many foreign trade enterprises in Ningbo have taken measures to seek for the new breakthroughs. According to the preliminary statistics, on the first day of the fair, Ningbo trade delegation achieved a total trading volume of US$10.357 million, up by 1% over the first day of the last session.  
Faced with the changing and complicated foreign trade, many foreign trade enterprises in Ningbo have transformed from the single export model to the combined development of foreign trade and domestic trade. Take Hengmei Clothes, a company sells outdoor clothing. In 2016, the company will promote its independent brands to the domestic market by means of the e-commerce business. "So far, we have started to negotiate with the T-mall and will try to open our store at the T-mall in the second half of the year." said Zhang Junjie, representative of the company. Besides the online sales, they will also launch offline stores this year. 
A signal released by the fair is that the categorizing of exports is more refined. "The foreign clients require more professional and personalized services. To address the diversified demands, we have transformed from the OEM model to the ODM model and started a design studio in Spain to design new clothes for the high-end clients." said a person in charge from the Seduno Group. 
The cross-border e-business becomes a highlight of this session of the fair, with representatives from Ningbo Bonded Zone and Yinzhou District. With their increasing influence in the field, such e-business platforms with strategic investment as and attracted a lot of foreign suppliers at the fair, and some daily necessity suppliers from South Korea and Japan showed great interest for future cooperation.

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