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30,000 more public bicycles to be put into use

It is learned from a related meeting that besides the existing 30,000 public bicycles in use now, Ningbo will put into use another 30,000 bicycles during the 13th Five-year Plan period, realizing the distribution of public bicycles within 200 meters in the major urban area. 
The year of 2016 is the first year of the Five-year Plan period, and the first half of the year will see the completion and trial operation of the second phase of the Rail Transit Line No.1. In the urban area, five new bus routes will be launched and 30 routes will be optimized, no less than five featured routes including the customized bus routes, the micro community routes, and the special linking routes will be built, adding 40 kilometers to the bus route web, and the running process of 20 bus routes will be accelerated. In 2016, 200 new public bicycle stations will be built, with 5,000 bicycles put into use. In addition, the bus station hub construction will be sped up, with an added station area of 120,000 square meter. The project planning and preparation work of the stations will be carried out in the principle of proper connecting, extended planning and phased implementation, and the stations will be beautified with some lighting projects

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