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Ningbo's Smart Apps Blossoming to Serve People's Livelihood

On September 4, Mr. Xu, a Haishu District resident, made an appointment to his nearly seventy-year-old mother-in-law. Different from previous online bookings, use the Ningbo Xu Hua broadcasting high-definition interactive STB to enter the appointment registration system so as to select hospitals, department, date in less than two minutes. He can also use the system to view her previous laboratory test reports.

Xu’s way of appointment has become a common medical model for residents. Information from the Municipal Health Bureau suggests that more than three years, Ningbo public health services platform brings together 33 hospitals through computers, telephones, mobile phones and other carriers. More than five million people made appointments through these platforms with the number of daily booking reaching 8,000 at peak. In particular, in late July 2014, launch of the television booking service have met the needs of the majority of middle-aged people.

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Export Enterprises Needs Awareness of IPR Protection

Many export enterprises suffer economic loss for lack of awareness of protecting intellectual property rights that some forget to seek patents for products, some ignore the commercial value of trademarks while some give away their technologies.
In 2011, an enterprise featuring in appliance manufacture in Yuyao got acquainted with a foreign businessman via Mr. Wang and reached an agreement that the former took the responsibility of developing and producing products while the later was in charge of sales. Their trade cooperation lasted to 2013, however, what shocked the enterprise in Yuyao was that Mr. Wang had used their product designs to applied for a patent overseas. Thus, this enterprises could do nothing but gave its own products to others. 

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Information consumption volume rose in the first six months

Statistics show that Ningbo witnessed a good and rapid development of information economy in the first half of 2014, with the information consumption volume rising by 25% over the same period of last year, and the amount of 4G commercial users reaching 340,000. 
The scale of information industry has enlarged. In the first half of the year, 817 large-scale electronic information manufacturers achieved a total industrial output value of 71.612 billion yuan. The software and information service industry has maintained the trend of a rapid growth, with a sales income of 14.697 billion yuan, up by 28.65%.

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Ningbo Week of Talent, Science and Technology Is Held

In this September, Ningbo will again welcome an annual event of wisdom. From September 19 to 25, Ningbo Week of Talent, Science and Technology, thousands of high-end talents all around the world with their scientific and technological programs will have face-to-face dialogues and interaction, which gathers power for the transformation and development of Ningbo economy.
It is said that since the event was initiated in 2006, Ningbo has introduced over 5500 high-end talents, 81 academician groups, 36 high-end research and developing centers, has signed over 200 scientific cooperation programs with total investment of 10 billion yuan. Currently, there are 1.48 million talents in Ningbo, among whom 45,000 talents are with middle or senior titles, 5000 talents are from overseas.

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Ningbo Issued White Paper on Criminal Trials of Environment Resources Damage

Recently, Ningbo Intermediate People's Court issued White Paper on criminal Trials of Environment Resources Damage. According to the White Paper, between 2009 to 2013, Ningbo, two court concluded 200 criminal cases in destruction of environmental resources, involving 316 people. There was a substantial increase in environmental pollution cases of crime. Since October 2013, 56 people have been sentenced for environmental pollution, and five years before that, Ningbo’s two-level courts have trialed zero cases in this regard.

The White Paper has revealed that from 2009 to September 2013, Ningbo local courts and intermediary court have trialed zero cases in environmental pollution crimes. However, the fourth quarter of 2013 saw the sentencing of 4 people in 3 cases, and from January to July, 2014, the courts have concluded 43 cases involving 52 people

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