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Ningbo Culture Card to be issued

It is learned from the Preparatory Office of Ningbo Culture Card that Ningbo Culture Card, the first integrated consumption card in the cultural field in Ningbo, will be issued at the opening ceremony of the 1st Ningbo Citizen Culture & Art Festival on September 1. 
The card will be the first integrated consumption card in the cultural field, integrating the resources of the major cultural units and enterprises in such industries as newspaper, broadcasting and television, bookshops, cinemas and theaters, museums, entertainment, sports, artwork markets and tourism. The card holders can enjoy discounts in specified cultural units and get credit points accordingly, which may enable them to exchange certain goods with certain amounts.  
The involved cultural units and enterprises are those with certain reputation and popularity among citizens. So far, 60 enterprises have become member units of the cards, with over 100 stores. Some of the prominent members for the first batch include Ningbo Culture Sqaure, Ningbo Grand Theater, Ningbo Xinhua Bookstores, Fenglinwan Bookstores, Ningbo Time Cinema, Tianyi Pavilion, and Baoguo Temple. The culture card will adopt the real-name system and will be free of charge. The citizens can get a card after providing such simple personal information as valid identity documents and mobile phone number at the specified places at the Distribution Center of Ningbo Daily Group and Ningbo Xinhua Bookstores. 

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