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Ningbo's Smart Apps Blossoming to Serve People's Livelihood

On September 4, Mr. Xu, a Haishu District resident, made an appointment to his nearly seventy-year-old mother-in-law. Different from previous online bookings, use the Ningbo Xu Hua broadcasting high-definition interactive STB to enter the appointment registration system so as to select hospitals, department, date in less than two minutes. He can also use the system to view her previous laboratory test reports.

Xu’s way of appointment has become a common medical model for residents. Information from the Municipal Health Bureau suggests that more than three years, Ningbo public health services platform brings together 33 hospitals through computers, telephones, mobile phones and other carriers. More than five million people made appointments through these platforms with the number of daily booking reaching 8,000 at peak. In particular, in late July 2014, launch of the television booking service have met the needs of the majority of middle-aged people.


In addition to smart medical care apps, other applications have blossomed in the field of transportation, education, logistics and so on. Xie Yuedi, director of Ningbo Smart Office, introduced applications based on the use of the Internet of Things, cloud computing and other new generation of information technology. Ningbo is attempting to build the overall framework of smart city, that is to say, a big-data based services platform to cover all people, and gradually breaking inter-department information barriers so that both permanent residents and migrant workers will receive more accurate and better services.

Ningbo pass travel services and products released by Smart Transport Forum 2013, provide more than 20 services including transportation eye, illegal inquiries, car transfer assistance. At present, total downloads reach 500,000 times with 300,000 online users. Ningbo bus mobile application will also be launched in September. Through the application of smart applications, problems like the equalization of public services are solved. 
According to organizers, in the Smart City Exposition of mid-September, citizens are able to enjoy a close contact with the development of Smart City through on-site show, popularization exhibition, etc.

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