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Internet+ brings new opportunities for the integration of IT application and industrialization

What changes will the integration of Internet and industry? How should the enterprises seize the opportunities in the industrial upgrading by taking advantage of the Internet? What support will the innovative technologies like cloud calculations provide for industrial Internet? Recently, the first City CIO with the theme of "Innovative IT Drives the Industrial Upgrading" sponsored by Ningbo Enterprise Informatization Promotion Association, Ningbo CIO Club, China HP, ENI Economic and Informatization Web gave the answers. 
Experts present pointed out that Internet+ is an upgraded version based on the integration of IT application and industrialization and an extended version from a single industry to all the industries. Chen Quan, General Manager of China HP Channel took the cloud calculation for instance that the cloud calculation will have strong impact on 6 industries like culture and tourism. Besides, professional IT enterprises will also provide service support from strategy planning, implementation and operation maintenance. As the initiator of "Industry 4.0", SAP and Siemens Cooperation Partner Experts think new IT technology will provide quite new business opportunities for the enterprises and technical support for the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry.

The average salary for Ningbo’s white collar in the spring job market ranks top in China

Statistics from show that the average salary for Ningbo's white collars is about ¥6599 in the spring job market, ranking the 7th in the country. The top three go to telecommunications, added value service industry and Internet/E-commerce, and communication/telecommunications/network equipment, with the respective salary of 7871, 7751 and 7701.
The report shows that with the increase of job opportunities, the national talent supply and demand competition index is about 26.1 in the spring job market, which means one position will have 26.1 applications. Compared with the 45.2 in the spring last year, this year has seen a noticeable decline in the competition index. For the job applicants in Ningbo, the competition is relatively softer. Among the 32 major cities, the competition index in Ningbo is only 9.3, which means it will be easier for people to find a job in Ningbo even than in western cities. 
Weak competition does not necessarily mean low pay. The salary for white collars in Ningbo is rather competitive. Data show that white collar in Shanghai ranks first, with 6774, leading Beijing with 6688. Shenzhen, with 6682, ranks third. Ningbo ranks 7th among the 32 major cities, with 6599, very close to the top three. 

A multimodal transportation international hub port will be built

According to the Municipal Transport Committee, Ningbo plans to transport 145 thousand standard containers by sea or railway in 2015. By developing sea and railway transportation, Ningbo will promote the construction of multi-transportation international hub port, exploring the overseas market as well as domestic market outside Zhejiang, and actively integrating into and serving the construction of "One Road and One Belt" and Yangtze River Economic Belt. 
In 2014, Ningbo has transported 16.66 million tons of lot cargo and 135.1 thousand standard containers by sea and railway. The growth ranks top among the 6 national demonstration passages. In 2014, Ningbo has also made the first local plan for developing the combined transportation of sea and railway in China. It started its evaluation and study on the supporting policy for combined transportation of sea and railway. With activities like Ningbo Week and waterless port strategy, Ningbo Port Group extended its business to Jiangxi Market, Xiangyang, Chengdu and Xi'an. It also actively attracted enterprises to participate in the construction. So far, Shanghai Duolian Logistics, Ningbo Port International Logistics, Taizhou Tieda Logistics, Xingtong Logistics, Lingyu Logistics and Southeast Logistics have joined the multimodal transport. 
In march 2015, the Municipal Government made new policies to support and promote the combined transport of containers by sea and railway. For example, the 5 scheduled train will get a maximum subsidy of 25 million yuan. According to the Municipal Transport Committee, Ningbo will promote the construction of the multimodal transport international hub port according to the specific implementation plan of national "One Belt and One Road", Yangtze River Economic Belt. It will try to apply for the comprehensive pilot zone of national combined

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Marked Achievements Made in the Pilot Service Reforms in Ningbo

The East China Sea Maritime Insurance Company—the first professional shipping insurance legal institution has been recently approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission for further development, the latest achievement of innovation and development of the city's financial service industry. Since 2010, after Ningbo was officially approved as a national comprehensive reform pilot city in service industry, the development of modern service industry has accelerated the pace of transformation, value added services has continued to grow rapidly, and the proportion of service industry to GDP growth has been increasing. In 2014, the city's service industry accounts for 44.6% of GDP.

Service industry is both the strategic focus of industrial transformation and upgrading and the engine for a stable and healthy development of Ningbo Economy. Since the reform was piloted here, the municipal government has issued the Notice on the Plan of a Comprehensive Pilot Reform in Ningbo, and has proposed to speed up, improve quality, and improve energy level as the main line to accelerate the development of four major competitive industries, four major emerging industries, four major new types of business and three major services concerning livelihood. To this end, launched 28 policies and measures to accelerate the development of services.

Read more: Marked Achievements Made in the Pilot...

Ningbo achieves emission reduction target

It is learned from Ningbo Municipal Environment Protection Bureau that Ningbo's emission reduction targets of four major pollutants in 2014 have all be achieved, according to the result announcement of the statistics of major pollutants issued by Zhejiang Province Emission Reduction Office. To be specific, the reduction rates of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in Ningbo rank No.1 among all the cities in Zhejiang Province, and the chemical oxygen demand and the reduction rate of sulfur dioxide have met the requirements of the 12th Five-year Plan.

By the end of 2015, Ningbo will eliminate high-emission vehicles, and by the end of 2017, the clean-emission technological transformation of the coal-driven thermal power plants will be completed. The air quality then will be further improved.

Read more: Ningbo achieves emission reduction...


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