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A multimodal transportation international hub port will be built

According to the Municipal Transport Committee, Ningbo plans to transport 145 thousand standard containers by sea or railway in 2015. By developing sea and railway transportation, Ningbo will promote the construction of multi-transportation international hub port, exploring the overseas market as well as domestic market outside Zhejiang, and actively integrating into and serving the construction of "One Road and One Belt" and Yangtze River Economic Belt. 
In 2014, Ningbo has transported 16.66 million tons of lot cargo and 135.1 thousand standard containers by sea and railway. The growth ranks top among the 6 national demonstration passages. In 2014, Ningbo has also made the first local plan for developing the combined transportation of sea and railway in China. It started its evaluation and study on the supporting policy for combined transportation of sea and railway. With activities like Ningbo Week and waterless port strategy, Ningbo Port Group extended its business to Jiangxi Market, Xiangyang, Chengdu and Xi'an. It also actively attracted enterprises to participate in the construction. So far, Shanghai Duolian Logistics, Ningbo Port International Logistics, Taizhou Tieda Logistics, Xingtong Logistics, Lingyu Logistics and Southeast Logistics have joined the multimodal transport. 
In march 2015, the Municipal Government made new policies to support and promote the combined transport of containers by sea and railway. For example, the 5 scheduled train will get a maximum subsidy of 25 million yuan. According to the Municipal Transport Committee, Ningbo will promote the construction of the multimodal transport international hub port according to the specific implementation plan of national "One Belt and One Road", Yangtze River Economic Belt. It will try to apply for the comprehensive pilot zone of national combined

transport, realizing the seamless connection between railway, ports and customs. Meanwhile, it will also accelerate the construction of net of things, aiming to complete the construction in 2015 when a public information service platform with functions like online application, online operation, online enquiry, online trade and e-payment. 
In terms of market expansion, Ningbo will start its combined transport for Chonqing and Anhui. By using Ningbo Week, it will also promote the port and combined transport in Wuhan and Xi’an

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