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Ningbo achieves emission reduction target

It is learned from Ningbo Municipal Environment Protection Bureau that Ningbo's emission reduction targets of four major pollutants in 2014 have all be achieved, according to the result announcement of the statistics of major pollutants issued by Zhejiang Province Emission Reduction Office. To be specific, the reduction rates of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in Ningbo rank No.1 among all the cities in Zhejiang Province, and the chemical oxygen demand and the reduction rate of sulfur dioxide have met the requirements of the 12th Five-year Plan.

By the end of 2015, Ningbo will eliminate high-emission vehicles, and by the end of 2017, the clean-emission technological transformation of the coal-driven thermal power plants will be completed. The air quality then will be further improved.


The objectives given by the provincial authority to Ningbo is to reduce the chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by 3%, 3%, 5% and 10% respectively in 2014. According to the statistics from the provincial Emission Reduction Office, the reduction rates of the four above major pollutants in Ningbo reached 3.87%, 3.06%, 5.47% and 17.24% respectively, with the reduction rates for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides both ranking No.1 in the province.

By the end of 2014, the accumulated reduction amounts of the four major pollutants had reached 116%, 92%, 105% and 92% of the total target of the 12th Five-year Plan period.

"The four major pollutants fall simply into gas pollutants and water pollutants." said a related person in charge from Ningbo Environment Protection Bureau. The completion of the reduction target mainly attributes to the high-standard desulfurization and denitrification equipment and efficient dust removal facilities adopted in all power plants and thermal power plants in Ningbo. Since 2006, the concentration of sulfur dioxide in air pollutants has reduced by 68%. Since the beginning of the 12th Five-year Plan period, the nitrogen dioxide concentrate has dropped by 21%, and the PM2.5 concentration in 2014 reduced by 14.8% over the previous year.

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