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The Spring Festival transportation concluded on March 15

The 40-day Spring Festival transportation ended on March 15th. According to statistics, 14.387 million person-time travelled by highway, railway, water and air during the Spring Festival holiday, twice the move of the total regular residents in Ningbo. The total transportation was safe, orderly and harmonious. 
High-speed train has become the first choice for travelers; there is an increasing number of tourists who choose to travel by air; it is common for migrant workers to go home by driving cars. The huge migration in 2015 shows a quite different new normal. 
Thanks to its money-saving and comfort, railway has become the first choice for people to go home. With the expansion of high-speed network, high-speed train has played a vital role in the migration. Affected by railway and self-driving, the road transportation was not so satisfactory, even during the golden time of Spring Festival. 
Analysts explained that the capacity of different transport modes has greatly changed, the travelling structure of tourists has also been optimized and adjusted. There is a rise in the travel by railway and air, but a decline in travel by road and water. It is noticeable that in the total transportation, road travel has dropped from 88% in 2010 to 63% this year. However, the railway travel increased from 8% to 29%. The road and water travel has dropped for 5 straight years.

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