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The total import and export volume of Ningbo's foreign trade

in the first 8 months reaches 842.9 billion yuan

On September 13th, it was learned from Ningbo Customs that in August,  the total import and export volume of Ningbo reaches 115.44 billion yuan, up 7.3% compared to the same period last year, reversing the two consecutive months of year-on-year decline since June.

Both exports and imports have achieved year-on-year growth. Among them, the export value reaches 76.94 billion yuan, up 8.4% year-on-year; The import volume reaches 38.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.1%.

Affected by the significant rebound in imports and exports in August, Ningbo achieved a total import and export volume of 842.9 billion yuan from January to August this year, with a year-on-year decrease narrowing to 1.6%.

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How can Ningbo Enterprises seek opportunities in the

United Nations procurement market?

On September 7th, the 2023 United Nations Procurement Promotion Conference Ningbo, China was held at the Ningbo International Convention Center, attracting over 300 representatives of key industry enterprises from multiple provinces and cities to participate and receive practical training, including many local enterprises in Ningbo.

United Nations procurement is an important component of international public procurement. For Ningbo, ranking 6th in China's foreign trade and with an annual import and export volume exceeding 1.2 trillion yuan

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Ningbo enterprises consolidate cooperation with BRICS

At Xinle Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd., the production lines are working at full capacity. After mold injection molding, box die-casting and spraying, accessory assembling, and functional testing, the qualified washing machines are neatly delivered into the container through the shipping assembly line. This batch of washing machines will be shipped from Ningbo Port to the United Arab Emirates via which they will enter the Arabian market.

Recently, the BRICS meeting issued a strong proposal for cooperative development and multilateralism. The special press conference of the 15th meeting of BRICS leaders announced that some countries, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia, are invited to officially become members of the BRICS family.

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Ningbo Continues to Deepen the Policy of "Direct and Fast

 Process" Expected to Reduce the Burden of Enterprises by More than 46 Billion Yuan This Year

Yesterday, it was learned from the Municipal Burden Reduction Office that the "Implementation Plan for Further Reducing the Burden on Enterprises in Ningbo to Help Optimize and Improve the Business Environment "No. 1 Reform Project" has been issued. According to the Implementation Plan, the city will continue to deepen the policy direct access mechanism this year, and it is expected to reduce the burden of the city's business entities by more than 46 billion yuan.

Read more: Ningbo Continues to Deepen the Policy...

Ningbo’s economy shows a sustained and stable recovery in July

According to the Municipal Bureau of Statistics, in July, Ningbo's top priority was to anchor high-quality development, and solid efforts were made to stabilize consumption, foreign trade, industry, and main sectors. Ningbo's economic operation showed a sustained and stable recovery.

Firstly, industrial production was steadily increasing, and emerging industries are developing well.

From January to July, the added value of industries above designated size amounted to 296.2 billion yuan, up by 4.0% year-on-year and 0.8 percentage points higher than the first half of the year. In July, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 9.0% year-on-year, 0.2 percentage points higher compared to June.

Read more: Ningbo’s economy shows a sustained and...

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