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Ningbo released the evaluation list of township (street)

scientific and technological innovation ability for the first time.

At the Ningbo New Era High-level Innovative City Construction Promotion Conference held on August 15, the list of the top 30 township (street) scientific and technological innovation ability evaluation in 2022 was released. This is the first time that Ningbo has carried out the evaluation of scientific and technological innovation capabilities of townships (streets).

The importance of technological innovation for cities to release development momentum is self-evident. According to reports, the most distinctive feature of Ningbo's scientific and technological innovation is global innovation, and townships (streets) are the basic units that

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Ningbo 120 barrier-free alarm coverage throughout the region

In situations where first aid is needed, it is common knowledge to call 120, but for people with speech or hearing impairments, it can be difficult to use the voice alarm. A few days ago, it is learned from the Ningbo Emergency Center that the Ningbo 120 emergency hotline has achieved barrier-free alarm function coverage, and people with hearing or language impairments can call the police without barriers.

A seamless connection between the hearing impaired and the 120

Statistics show that at the end of 2022, among the permanent population of Ningbo, the population aged 60 and above was 1.861 million, of which 1.352 million were aged 65 and over, and about half of the elderly had their hearing weakened to varying degrees. In addition, among the current registered population in Ningbo, there are 35,000 people with hearing and speech disabilities. These data show that 120 text message reporting and text call functions have a wide range of demand groups.

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Green financial channel opens for port and shipping enterprises

The Port and Shipping Financial Innovation Conference, as well as the launching ceremony of the Port and Shipping Financial Services Month of the Free Trade Zone, was held on August 8, when the port and shipping logistics enterprises of Beilun District received one financial “gift package” after another, including 56 exclusive financial products, a credit quota of 7.8 billion yuan, and the “one-on-one” docking consultation, adding confidence to their future development.

In recent years, Beilun District has actively taken on the national mission to expand and strengthen the port and shipping service industry by deeply integrating itself into the new development pattern of “both domestic and international development”, and accelerating the construction of hub free trade zones.

Read more: Green financial channel opens for port...

Ningbo's commuting peak "traffic jam reduction"

results ranked first in the country

Ningbo is still the least congested "new first-tier" city.

Recently, Baidu Map, together with the Transportation Big Data Research Center of the Institute of Data Science of Tsinghua University, the School of Public Administration of Chongqing University, and the Beijing Institute of Transportation Development, released the "China Urban Transportation Report for the Second Quarter of 2023" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"), reflecting the traffic changes in 100 major cities across the country.

According to the report, in the second quarter of this year, Ningbo's commuter peak congestion index ranked 71st among the 100 cities in the country, ranking last among the "new first-tier" cities,

Read more: Ningbo's commuting peak "traffic jam...

Railway between Jinhua and Ningbo is renamed Yongjin Railway

On July 31st, it was learned from the Shanghai Railway Bureau Group that according to relevant documents, the railway between Jinhua and Ningbo was renamed as the Yongjin Railway. Meanwhile, the stations along the railway are named Yunlong, Fenghua, Xikou, Xinchang North, Shengzhou Xinchang, Shengzhou West, Dongyang North, Suxi, and Yiwu.

Yongjin Railway starts from Yunlong Station of Ningbo–Taizhou–Wenzhou railway in the east, passes through Ningbo and Shaoxing, and ends at Yiwu railway station of Shanghai–Kunming railway in Jinhua City in the west. The new main line is about 188.3 kilometers long. The whole line is equipped with nine stations, namely Yunlong, Fenghua, Xikou, Xinchang North, Shengzhou Xinchang, Shengzhou West, Dongyang North, Suxi, and Yiwu. The design speed is 160 kilometers per hour, with 200 kilometers per hour reserved. It is a class I electrified

Read more: Railway between Jinhua and Ningbo is...

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