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Ningbo bolstering CEECs export expansion to China

Surprisingly, on the first cloud matchmaking after the second China-CEECs Expo this year, the top one in the list of buyers was PetroChina!

 In the afternoon of 26th, Walk into Supermarkets, the CEECs trade matchmaking activity, was held in Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center. According to the organizer, this post-exhibition supply and demand matchmaking activity is to integrate into the dual circulation development pattern and smooth out the terminal of the import industry chain of CEE goods. Thereupon, more CEE quality products will be accessible to the domestic consumer market. More than 10 buyers over the country were invited to participate, including chain supermarkets, chain convenience stores, etc.

 "We have more than 20,000 convenience stores in 31 provinces, and more than 500 in Zhejiang alone." said Jiang Lirong, the person in charge of PetroChina's USmile Zhejiang Branch. The number of USmile convenience stores ranked in the top three in the 2020 national retail list.

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Strategic emerging industries of Ningbo bloom

The first liquid helium-free magnetic resonance imaging system in China was born in Ningbo. China’s first space microscopic experiment instrument was manufactured by Yongxin Optics. The only new heat-forged titanium bronze material that can be red stamped in the world has been successfully developed and mass produced on Ninghai China-Ukraine High-end New Materials Platform.

Since the beginning of this year, a number of strategic emerging industrial projects with key technologies have been launched in Ningbo, becoming a new driving force for the high-quality economic development of the city. According to the municipal Development and Reform Commission, for the first half of the year, the city’s strategic emerging industries have achieved rapid growth, with the total output value and added value of large-scale industries reaching 295.6 billion yuan and 64.9 billion yuan respectively. Among them, the growth rates of new materials industry, health manufacturing industry and core digital economy manufacturing industry reached 35%, 30% and 30% respectively, leading to an average growth rate of more than15% over the past two years.

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Ningbo high-tech enterprises will reach 8,000 in 2025

Innovation is the first driving force for high-quality development, and manufacturing innovation is the main engine.

Recently, the "Notice on the Implementation Plan for the Construction and Improvement of Zhejiang Manufacturing Innovation Center (2021-2025)" issued by Zhejiang Province stated that by 2025, Zhejiang will strive to create 2-3 national manufacturing innovation centers, and accumulatively build 30 provincial-level innovation centers, achieving full coverage of the ten iconic industrial chains and comprehensively improving the innovation capabilities of the manufacturing industry.

In recent years, Ningbo's innovation entities have continued to increase, and innovative enterprises have emerged in large numbers. According to statistics, from 2016 to 2020, Ningbo has cultivated an average of 2,000 innovative start-ups and 500 high-tech enterprises each year. By the end of 2020, Ningbo has 3102 effective high-tech enterprises, 1381 provincial high-growth high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises, 66 provincial-level crowd-entrepreneurship spaces, 32 national-level enterprise technology centers, and 12 national-level incubators.

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Ningbo completes annual task of foreign capital introduction in seven months

According to Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Commerce, in the first seven months of this year, Ningbo actually utilized US$2.56 billion of foreign capital, exceeding that of last year, and completed the business introduction task assigned by the province five months in advance.

From January to July this year, the utilization of foreign capital in the city was stable and positive, with the actual utilization of foreign capital of US$2.56 billion, a year-on-year increase of 54%, 23.1 and 16.8 percentage points higher than that of the whole country and the whole province respectively. Its actually utilized foreign capital was 2.5% of that of the whole country, an increase of 0.3 percentage points year-on-year. So far this year, 373 foreign-funded enterprises have been newly established, an increase of 128 over the same period of last year. The total investment was US$8.39 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31.1%.

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5-year plan for the development of new material industry in Ningbo

It is learned from the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, the development plan for Ningbo new material industry cluster has been issued recently. According to the plan, Ningbo will adhere to the "five-chain linkage" of industrial chain, innovation chain, talent chain, policy chain, and factor chain, and strive to become a global influential leading city and industrial highland in new material innovation, and build and form a "new material industry" brand for Ningbo.

According to reports, new materials are the cornerstone of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. As one of the first batch of 7 national high-tech industrial bases for the new material industry, Ningbo has vigorously developed the new material industry in recent years, and has continued to increase its efforts in R&D and application in the fields of new chemical materials, metal alloy materials, rare earth magnetic materials, functional film materials and graphene materials. The scale of the new material industry is leading in China.

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