Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Ningbo Played a "Combination Fist" to Guide Enterprises to Stabilize Production and Improve Quality

For enterprises with a year-on-year increase in industrial output value of more than 10% in the fourth quarter, an incentive of 100,000 yuan will be given for every additional 1 percentage point year-on-year; For enterprises with an industrial output value increase of more than 10% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2023, an incentive of 100,000 yuan will be given for every additional 1 percentage point year-on-year... Recently, Ningbo issued the "Several Opinions on Industrial Sprint to Win the "Red Start" and Stabilize Production and Improve Quality in the Fourth Quarter", and the "combined fist" goal of a number of incentive measures is directly aimed at helping enterprises bail out, stabilize production and improve quality.

Since the beginning of this year, the state and Zhejiang Province have successively introduced and implemented a package of policies to stabilize the economy and successor policies. The city has also formulated and implemented 47 policies such as stable chain relief and enterprise assistance and new 16 articles, and the "Several Opinions" released this time are more targeted and pay more attention to helping enterprises bail out.

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7th China Innovation Challenge (Ningbo) held

On November 28, the 7th China Innovation Challenge (Ningbo) was rounded off. It is reported that there are 23 major technical needs from all over the country and 96 technical teams from all over the world in this challenge. After the competition at the main venue and the sub-venues (Yinzhou District, Qianwan New Area, Yuyao County, and Ningbo Steel Group), the technical solutions proposed by six innovation teams, including Gu Jianfeng’s team of Shanghai Jiaotong University, stood out and won the excellence award for solutions. 19 innovation teams including Dai Donghua’s team of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics won the excellence award for innovation teams. Six enterprises, including Ningbo Zhongyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. won the Best Technical Demand Award. Afterwards, the innovation teams will conduct project docking with the corresponding enterprises.

Founded in 2016, the China Innovation Challenge focuses on the improvement of enterprises’ technical innovation capacity. It aims to match high-quality innovation resources with enterprises to promote the development of strategic emerging industries and the

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Ningbo implements bonded LNG injection for international ships

Recently, the General Office of Ningbo Municipal Government issued the “Measures for the Administration of Bonded LNG Injection Pilot for International Navigation Ships in Ningbo Area of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone”. This is an exploration for Ningbo to implement the “Regulations of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone”, carry out the pilot work of bonded liquefied natural gas (LNG) injection for international ships, and accelerate the development of injection business, which is of great significance for Ningbo to build an oil and gas resource allocation center with international influence.

It is a pilot operation to provide bonded LNG injection for international ships within the sea area of Ningbo. The administrative measures are applicable to enterprises registered in Beilun District, Ningbo and engaged in the bonded LNG injection business for international ships.

In the specific operation, the Management Committee of Ningbo area will be responsible for the overall coordination

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Ningbo Foreign Trade Enterprises Use the Canton Fair to Cultivate "Eighteen Martial Arts"

On October 15, the 132nd China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) opened online, with 1,388 enterprises participating in the Ningbo trading delegation and uploading more than 200,000 samples at 1,796 online booths.

It is understood that many exhibitors are experienced "old Canton Friends". Since the Canton Fair moved to the "cloud" in 2020, they have continuously improved their ability to move from the background to the front, exercised "eighteen martial arts" such as live broadcast and goods, new media marketing, and information technology, attracted traffic through online channels, and demonstrated "real kung fu" to foreign investors

Ningbo enterprises attend the “cloud” Canton Fair

On October 15, the 132ndChina Import and Export Commodities Fair (hereinafter referred to as “Canton Fair”) was opened online. This year’s session of Canton Fair attracted over 35,000 exhibitors, including 34,744 export enterprises and 416 import enterprises.

Ningbo delegation to the fair consists of 1,388 enterprises, with 1,796 online booths.

It is worth noting that the service duration of the online platform of the Canton Fair will be extended from the usual 10 days to five months. Except for the 10 days for exhibitors to connect and make appointments, other functions will continue to be open until March 14, 2023, in the hope of helping enterprises expand their global marketing network and expand the “circle of friends” of China’s foreign trade.

Read more: Ningbo enterprises attend the “cloud”...

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