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Making friends with football

Ningbo team won first place in the China Russia Mongolia football match

On June 3rd, on the occasion of City Day in Irkutsk, Russia, the Ningbo football team was invited to Russia to participate in the China Russia Mongolia football match and won the first place.

This competition is one of the main events of City Day in Irkutsk, Russia. Ningbo’s representative team consisting of 5 players selected by the Ningbo Football Association and 8 local Chinese students competed with the representatives from Irkutsk, Russia and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

In the first game, Irkutsk defeated Ulaanbaatar 3-2. In the second match that followed, Ningbo team drew 2-2 with Irkutsk team. In the third game, Ningbo team defeated Ulaanbaatar team 5-1 and won the first place in the event.

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First recycling store in Ningbo starts trial operation

On the morning of June 3rd, the first recycling store in Ningbo "Thank You" began trial operation, attracting wide attention.

It is a household waste material recycling store jointly established by multiple units such as the Municipal Classification Office, the Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, the Municipal Education Bureau, and the Municipal Government Affairs Management Bureau. It aims to revitalize the recycling of waste materials in residents' homes, guide them to consume reasonably, advocate for the traditional virtues of diligence and thrift, and build an offline consumption system for Ningbo's waste classification waste material recycling.

“My son is in junior high school and he no longer plays the children's scooters. They take up a lot of space at home and we are reluctant to sell them as scrap. I heard that there is a new recycling store, where we can exchange our items for points and items. So I come here to

Read more: First recycling store in Ningbo starts...

A Landmark Fashion Fortress! Ningbo's First Trendy Play Hub Will Be Built on The Old Bund

Introduce domestic leading entertainment brands to create Ningbo's first trendy play hub. In recent days, the Old Bund 6# plot project on the south side of the Bund Bridge is in full swing, and in a year, it will become a landmark fashion fortress in Ningbo covering all entertainment formats.

It is understood that the 6# plot of the Old Bund is located in the central section of the Old Bund Pedestrian Street in Jiangbei and the south side of the Bund Bridge, and the two sides are the Zhejiang Customs Residential Building of the municipal cultural protection point and the former site of the postal office of the provincial cultural protection unit. "This plot is located at the junction of the first and second phases of the Old Bund, which plays a role in connecting the old Bund pedestrian street. At the beginning of 2021, the break

Read more: A Landmark Fashion Fortress! Ningbo's...

Ningbo intensifies efforts in recycled water use

On May 29th, the personnel at Fenghua Riverside Ecological Park carried out their routine watering of the greenery, but this time they utilized recycled water.

Spanning an area of 60,000 square meters, the Ecological Park is home to over 70 plant species. The park's irrigation system is connected to the Changfeng Pure Water Treatment Plant, which supplies recycled water for nurturing the plants and toilet facilities. Along the park trail, one can spot several signs that read "Recycled Water Outlet," and recycled water inlets are conveniently placed every 50 meters.

In a similar initiative, Yongjiang Park has also embraced the use of recycled water for irrigation. Zhou Kefan from the Business Development Department of the Drainage Company of Ningbo Water and Environment Group stated, "The recycled water used in the park mainly comes from the Fuming Pure Water Treatment Plant. By substituting tap water with recycled water, the park is able to save approximately 100 tons of tap water daily."

Additionally, the green belt located in the central area of the South Ring Elevated Road (Ningnan North Road-Zhilan Bridge) has implemented a drip irrigation system using recycled water. Zhou Kefan further explained, "The drip irrigation system is fully automated and can be controlled remotely to determine the start time and duration of irrigation."

As of now, Ningbo has three pilot projects for recycled water irrigation, estimated to save 150,000 tons of water annually. This amount is equivalent to the water consumption of 900 households in a year.

As one of the pioneering Chinese cities in implementing the utilization and allocation of recycled water in various areas, Ningbo sets an example by using recycled water for river ecological replenishment, industrial water sources, finished industrial water, and municipal miscellaneous water. Last year, the city achieved a recycled water usage of 180 million cubic meters, with a utilization rate of 21.7%


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