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Fine management system leads to a more beautiful city

In accordance with the standard of advanced cities, Ningbo has built up a full-coverage, full-process and all-weather urban fine management system. Great progress has been made in smart urban management, urban appearance and environment, waste classification, landscaping, municipal facilities, public utilities, comprehensive law enforcement and other aspects. Citizens' satisfaction with urban management has significantly improved. Therefore, Ningbo has become cleaner, more beautiful and more orderly.
Now, from Tianyi Square, Zhongshan Road and the Old Bund, to the Moonlake Park, the Cultural Plaza and Nantang Old Street, the effectiveness of the urban improvement actions over the past years and the improvement of the citizens' civilized quality can be seen everywhere. More and more public activity spaces are becoming the popular places for citizens to enjoy the beautiful life by just sitting down on the ground.
The building of the demonstration area for "sitting-down-on-the-ground" urban living room was started in July last year. This year, Ningbo has continued with the building, with an addition of 40 spots. So far, the completion rate of the building has exceeded 90% since the Comprehensive Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau began to carry out the evaluation in October.

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Archaeological discovery demonstrates Zhejiang's vital role in the history of Chinese civilization

On November 10, the Provincial Government held a press conference on "Zhejiang Archaeology and Chinese Civilization" to showcase the important contributions and brilliant achievements of Zhejiang archaeology in the history of Chinese civilization, and to demonstrate Zhejiang’s vital role as a star in the search for the source of Chinese civilization. Among them, Ningbo archaeological highlights such as Hemudu Site, Jingtou Mountain Site, Shi'ao Ancient Paddy Field Site, Shanglin Lake Housi’ao Site, Heyi Road Southern Song Shipwreck, Xiaobaijiao No. 1 in Ningbo have been mentioned one by one.

 In 1973, the discovery of the Hemudu site in Yuyao and the establishment of the Hemudu culture, which shocked both China and the world, expanded the field of Chinese Neolithic archeological research. It was the first proof that the brilliant and ancient Neolithic culture also existed in the Yangtze River Basin, where is also the cradle of Chinese civilization. Recently, the Hemudu site was named one of the “Top 100 Archaeological Discoveries in a Hundred Years” in China.

The Shangshan site is the earliest relic of rice farming in the world that has been discovered so far. It proves that Zhejiang is the birthplace of the world’s rice culture, while the Yuyao Shi’ao site has discovered an ancient paddy field in three prehistoric periods (from the early Hemudu Culture to the Late Liangzhu Culture). This ancient paddy field with an area of about 80,000 square meters is the largest and oldest one discovered in the world.

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Ningbo-CEE (Budapest) Innovation Base is put into use

The Ningbo Central and Eastern Europe (Budapest) Innovation Base was officially put into use in Hungary on November 1. This is an important measure for the China-CEEC International Industrial Cooperation Park in the Yuyao area of Qianwan New Area to build an offshore innovation base. It is Ningbo’s focus on Central and Eastern Europe. Another important window for industrial cooperation.

Ningbo Central and Eastern Europe (Budapest) Innovation Base is located in the Roosevelt Business Office Center in the center of Budapest, the capital of Hungary. It is close to the Danube River in the core area of Budapest. It is surrounded by government agencies and technology innovation centers such as the Ministry of Science and Technology Innovation of Hungary. The geographical location is very advantageous.

The head of the China-CEEC International Industrial Cooperation Park stated that the Ningbo Central and Eastern Europe (Budapest) Innovation Base is the first "enclave" established by the park in Central and Eastern European countries. The two-way intercommunication bridge between countries has truly built the spindle-shaped ends of

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Ningbo will build 3 "one-hour traffic circles"

It is learned from the Municipal Transportation Bureau that Ningbo’s "Transportation Action Plan for Common Prosperity Pilot City" was recently released. The plan clarifies that the transportation goal is to basically build a world-class strong port and form a "four ports" linkage development pattern. Three "one-hour traffic circles" of provinces, cities, and urban areas will be built, and more than 85% of towns and villages can get on the highway in 15 minutes. It will create the national demonstration city with "Four Goods Rural Roads", and the integration rate of urban and rural public transport will reach 100%. Traffic congestion in cities and highways will be significantly curbed, and the average speed of buses and trams in urban areas during peak hours will reach 20 km/h.

3 "one-hour traffic circles" will be built in an all-round way

According to reports, the plan has four key tasks and three major reform tasks. Six aspects are mainly involved in facilitating people's convenient travel.

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Ningbo was selected as one of the first batch of quarter-hour convenience living circle pilots in China

Yesterday from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce was informed that the Ministry of Commerce in conjunction with relevant departments recently issued a document to determine the first batch of 30 quarter-hour convenience living circle pilot areas in the country, Ningbo was listed among them, the only one in Zhejiang Province.

 It is understood that the quarter-hour convenience living circle, is to serve the community residents, with a service radius of about 15 minutes' walk, to meet the residents' basic consumption of daily life and quality consumption as the goal, formed by a multi-format gathering of community shopping areas. The selection as a pilot is an affirmation of the fact that Ningbo has started the construction of a 15-minute business and convenience service circle since 2019 and is actively exploring ways to enhance business and convenience services.

 According to the current situation, scale and positioning of old and new communities, the city, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, has divided the convenience service circle into neighborhood communities, neighborhood centers and neighborhood blocks to promote three modes of classification, making it clear that the convenience service circle in old urban areas is based on building neighborhood communities and increasing the concentration of commercial outlets, while the new urban living circle is based on building neighborhood centers and neighborhood blocks to achieve street-level community outlet distribution

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