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Feeling the weather

On March 23, the 53rd World Meteorological Day, Yinzhou District Meteorology Bureau launched a open-day activity to invite citizens to visit the meteorological observation field and the meteorological station.


Ningbo's first team of foreign volunteers founded

On March 28, "I-Volunteer" team of the Business School of Ningbo University was founded. The members of this special volunteer team for 16 international students from Pakistan, Malaysia, Somali and Congo. This first foreign volunteer team of Ningbo will be committed to a series of volunteer activities in environment protection, cultural exchanges and other serve-the-people programs.

It is learned that the foreign volunteers take as their aim to help the international students to have better understanding of China and provide services the society needs.

Ningbo to build important domestic import-export port

Ningbo, a city dominated by open economy, releases its new round of open-economy goals at the beginning of each year.

At the municipal export-oriented economy working conference held on March 27, the municipal government published the "Government's proposal on speeding up the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade services and building the modern international port city" (hereinafter referred to as the proposal) and proposed that by 2016, the volume of imports and exports via Ningbo Port will reach US$ 320 billion, with US$150 billion being self-managed import-export volume.

According to the proposal, to achieve a better balance between exports and imports, Ningbo will actively develop the import trade while further maintaining and expanding exports. By strengthening the promoting role of imports to the economic balance and structural adjustment, Ningbo will enhance the cultivation of import bodies and carriers, and make the city one of the most important import ports in China. By 2016, the development of the  import trade will be accelerated, and the import volume will account for 40% of the city's total foreign trade volume.

In the following years, Ningbo Bonded Zone, already chosen as a national demonstration area for import-driven innovations, will play a more important role in promoting the development of import trade in Ningbo.

Read more: Ningbo to build important domestic...

Shenzhen-Ningbo Economy Promotion Association brings a one-billion investment

Shenzhen-Ningbo Economy Promotion Association (Chamber of Commerce), founded in 1993, has more than 400 members so far. Since its establishment, with the core concept of integrity, practicality, openness and innovation, it has been making efforts to unite the businessmen and people in other walks of life of Ningbo origin to make great contribution to the economic and social development of Shenzhen. In the past few years, the chamber has organized its members to make contributions to their hometown. In 2012, a total investment with the value of one billion yuan was made by the chamber as a support for Ningbo's development.

Affordable housing to be enter market in Ningbo

It is learned on March 26 from Ningbo Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development that in 2013 Ningbo will start the building of the affordable housing projects with an area of 1.001 million square meters, and complete the construction of the affordable houses with a total area of 1.1695 million square meters. 8250 sets of affordable houses will be available in market for renting or sale.
So far, the commission has set the target of the construction of the affordable housing. By further improving the system of mainly composed of the public leasing housing and supplemented by other supporting policies, and making clear the existing amount and target amount of the public leasing housing, cheap rent housing, and the placement housing for transformed old housing, the city has set the target for the five-year housing improvement plan and the annual improvement plan, scheduled to achieve the improvement of 25% of the recorded dangerous houses.
Specifically speaking, in Haishu District, the construction of 500 sets of public leasing housing will be completed, and 200 sets of affordable housing will be completed, with 700 sets of public leasing housing for renting and 500 sets of affordable housing for sale. In Jiangdong District, 432 sets of affordable housing will be completed, with 670 sets of public leasing housing for renting and 400 sets of affordable housing for sale. In Jiangbei District, 300 sets of public leasing housing will be put under construction, and 2000 sets of affordable housing will be completed, with 1000 affordable houses for renting.


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