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Measures to take to improve eco-environment

At the end of 2012, Ningbo was approved as one of the second group of national pilot low-carbon cities, and the construction of the pilot city has become the focus of the eco-civilization construction of Ningbo. According to the pilot work plan, from now to 2020, Ningbo will strive to promote the industrial low-carbon development, optimize the adjustment of energy structure, continue to improve the level of energy efficiency, improve the ecological level of carbon sequestration, vigorously develop low-carbon emerging industries and strengthen the construction of the low-carbon support capacity. Meanwhile, seven demonstration actions will be taken, involving carbon logistics, electrical energy efficiency, low-carbon transport, low-carbon building, venous industry, low-carbon park area, as well as low-carbon communities, schools and families.

To address Ningbo's atmospheric environment quality status and the major source of pollution causing the atmosphere pollution, the plan covers 32 specific measures in 11 sectors. The specific objectives are as follows: by the end of 2015, the average annual concentration of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, respirable particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) will have decreased by above 11%, 10%, 10%, and 5% respectively over 2010 (with the annual average of PM2.5 in 2013 as a base number). In addition, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, industrial smoke and dust and active source of volatile organic compound emission in the key industries will have decreased by 18.9%, 31.9%, 10%, and 18% respectively.  As a result, the air quality in Ningbo will be above the standard for the national environmental protection model cities.

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