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Ningbo Tours

Ningbo is an important seaport city 220 kilometres (140 mi) south of Shanghai. It has a strong Buddhist connections and boasts a number of historical temples and cultural sites including the thousand-year-old Baoguo Temple and the oldest surviving library in China – Tianyi Pavilion Museum. The most renowned Buddhist site is Mount Putuo which is on Zhoushan Island, offshore from Ningbo. Mount Putuo is one of the Four Holy Buddhist Mountains in China, offering a profound Buddhist culture experience and incredible scenery with the rocks, pavilions, waves, forests and temples combining harmoniously.

  • from $219/P.P
  • tourist class
  • 6-9 persons

  • PT-1: 3-Day Pilgrimage Tour to Mount Putuo

  • Duration: 3 Days
  • Attractions: Purple Bamboo Forest, The Temple Of Guanyin Who Refuses To Leave, Foding Mountain Cable Car, Mountain Putuo, Fayu Temple, Puji Temple
  • from $339/P.P
  • tourist class
  • 6-9 persons

  • NB-2: 2-Day Mt.Putuo Tour from Shanghai

  • Duration: 2 Days
  • Attractions: Puji Temple, Fayu Temple, Mountain Putuo, Purple Bamboo Forest, The Temple Of Guanyin Who Refuses To Leave
  • from $389/P.P
  • tourist class
  • 6-9 persons

  • from $529/P.P
  • tourist class
  • 6-9 persons

  • from $629/P.P
  • tourist class
  • 6-9 persons



Ningbo to build "low-carbon city"

According to the recently issued "Implementation Plan for Ningpo Low-carbon Pilot City Construction" by Ningbo Municipal Government, the city will explore the new pattern for low –carbon development, give full play to its new developing advantages and promote the sustainable economic and social development, with the focus on such major fields as low-carbon industries, low-carbon energy, energy efficiency promotion, carbon sinking capacity and supporting capacity construction. 
By 2015, the amount of carbon emission will have reached the gently-rising period and the intensity of carbon emission will be well under control, with the carbon emission for per 10,000 GDP decreasing by over 20% over 2010 and the energy consumption for per 10,000 GDP decreasing by 18.5% than in 2010. By 2020, the total amount of carbon emission will be at the same level as in 2015, while the intensity will be on the decline, with the carbon emission for per 10,000 GDP decreasing by over 50% over 2005.

Great emphasis will be placed on the industrial low-carbon development. Ningbo will further optimize the development of port industries and control the carbon emission of such major industries as power industry, petrochemical industry and iron and steel industry. Meanwhile, it will speed up the development of modern service industry and achieve structured carbon reduction. Beside, it will actively promote the efficient and ecological development of low-carbon agriculture.

Read more: Ningbo to build "low-carbon city"

Ningbo constructs as a love city

Since 2012, Ningbo takes the opportunity of building a provincial-level love city to help disabled people, actively transforms and upgrades the work on disabled people, which makes the social insurance for disabled people extend from rules to real people and make sure that every disabled person enjoys basic life insurance. As for social environment for disabled people, Ningbo extended its care for disabled people from merely help to encourage them to show their talents and participate in social construction and share the fruits of social development.
In recent years, Disable Person Committee and Disabled Person Federation at all levels attach great importance to strengthen social insurance for 366,000 disabled people in the construction of love city. Besides, Ningbo actively coordinates social insurance, assistance and welfare for the disabled people so as to make them enjoy these social insurances.
In addition, for people who are severely disabled and willing to be cared, the government will category them into groups need collective attendance, day-time attendance and stay-at-home for rest. In 2012 alone, Ningbo has granted more than 14 million and make more than 8380 severely disabled people got attendance. Chinese Disabled Person Federation (CDPF) therefore promotes Ningbo’s way to attend the disabled. In the last five years, Ningbo government has granted more than 38 million to assist disabled people in villages to renovate their houses so as to guarantee their safety.

Read more: Ningbo constructs as a love city

Ningbo to be built as a "'Fiber-optic Network City"

It is learned from Ningbo Smart-city Construction Office on April 12 that by the end of 2013, the fiber-optic network will cover 2.8 million household users in Ningbo, with a coverage rate of over 78%. The goal of building Ningbo into an optical network city will be achieved one year in advance.

In 2012, the "Three-year Plan for 'Fiber-optic Network City' Construction" was launched. At the end of 2012, the city’s users with broadband access to the Internet reached 2.21 million. With the fiber-optic network covering over 1.85 million households, Ningbo realized the entire coverage of fiber-optic network in the urban area. Users of 3G network came up to 2 million households, an increase of 42.8% over the same period last year. The 3G wireless broadband network has covered the whole urban area.

“Fiber-optic Network Available Ningbo”construction to be completed in advance

This is the second year for the construction of fiber-optic network city. According to Ningbo wisdom department, the goal to complete this project has been set one year ahead from the original one, which makes it complete in 2013.
Since the three year (2012-2014) plan for Constructing Fiber-Optic Network Ningbo was put into practice, 2.21 million houses in Ningbo have connected to the Internet through broadband and 1.85 million houses have been covered with fiber-optic network by the end of 2012, which realized the full coverage of fiber-optic network in urbanized areas with nearly 2 million people get involved in 3G business, which increased 42.8 percent comparing to the year before. The 3G wireless network is available in urban areas.
Since the three year (2012-2014) plan for Constructing Fiber-Optic Network Ningbo was put into practice, 2.21 million houses in Ningbo have connected to the Internet through broadband and 1.85 million houses have been covered with fiber-optic network by the end of 2012, which realized the full coverage of fiber-optic network in urbanized areas with nearly 2 million people get involved in 3G business, which increased 42.8 percent comparing to the year before. The 3G wireless network is available in urban areas.


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