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New high in foreign capital use this year

Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Ningbo Municipal Government set 2013 as the year "to raise efficiency of investment". For this, Ningbo has made great efforts in the first quarter of this year. According to a meeting on business invitation held on April 3, in the first three months this year, Ningbo accepted 69 foreign investment projects, with the investment totaling 2.705 billion US dollars; the contract foreign capital amounts to 1.33 billion US dollars; the actual utilized foreign capital amounts to 940 million US dollars. The three figures increased by 8.7%, 15.8% and 24% year on year respectively, all being historical new highs.

Modern service industries are till the highlight of foreign investment. In the first quarter of this year, Ningbo accepted foreign-funded financial leasing projects, with the investment totaling 110 million US dollars and registered capital totaling 70.33 million US dollars. Projects of marine projects are favored by foreign investors. In the first quarter, the contract foreign capital in traffic and warehousing increased by 124.3%. Thanks to Ningbo's plan to accelerate economic transformation, scientific services are much favored by investors. The fully funded foreign capital increased by 243.2% year on year.

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