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Ningbo constructs as a love city

Since 2012, Ningbo takes the opportunity of building a provincial-level love city to help disabled people, actively transforms and upgrades the work on disabled people, which makes the social insurance for disabled people extend from rules to real people and make sure that every disabled person enjoys basic life insurance. As for social environment for disabled people, Ningbo extended its care for disabled people from merely help to encourage them to show their talents and participate in social construction and share the fruits of social development.
In recent years, Disable Person Committee and Disabled Person Federation at all levels attach great importance to strengthen social insurance for 366,000 disabled people in the construction of love city. Besides, Ningbo actively coordinates social insurance, assistance and welfare for the disabled people so as to make them enjoy these social insurances.
In addition, for people who are severely disabled and willing to be cared, the government will category them into groups need collective attendance, day-time attendance and stay-at-home for rest. In 2012 alone, Ningbo has granted more than 14 million and make more than 8380 severely disabled people got attendance. Chinese Disabled Person Federation (CDPF) therefore promotes Ningbo’s way to attend the disabled. In the last five years, Ningbo government has granted more than 38 million to assist disabled people in villages to renovate their houses so as to guarantee their safety.

Disabled Persons' Federation at all levels pays more attention to encourage them to participate in social construction and to share the fruits of development. In 2012, the CDPF at all levels in our city held various shows performed by the disabled people and Deaf Sports Games, actively sending art, sports talents to participate in various competitions. Among them, the gold medal gained by athletes from Ningbo at the London 2012 Paralympics’ Games ranked first in all cities in Zhejiang province. In recent years, the city has emerged out people like Gong Jinchuan, the president of Handicapped Association in Fenghua, who fought to save others’ lives. These people are the most beautiful Ningbonese who have physical disability but beautiful hearts.
Municipal CDPF also created the opportunities to encourage the disabled people to participate in political affairs and get involved into society. In 2012, CDPF recommended 11 disabled people to serve as the representative of provincial people's congresses, 34 to serve as representatives of people’s congress at municipal and county level,  CPPCC members and 11 municipal Standing Committee of CPPCC. Part of the county (city) District Disabled Persons' Federation cooperated with the sports department to include sports items for disabled people into the local sports games, the disabled and able-bodied people to enjoy the pleasure of sports.

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