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Top-notch high-speed train put on way in Ningbo

Top-notch high-speed train put on way in Ningbo

A world-class rapid train CRH380D was put on rail on April 9. The joint testing on the Ningbo-Hangzhou High-Speed Passenger Railway has been completed.

The Red Cross of Ningbo in action

After the Lushan earthquakes, the Red Cross of Ningbo immediately started the emergency and rescue plan. It decided to donate 200,000 yuan and materials worth 300,000 yuan to the earthquake affected areas. The Red Cross notified all the red crosses of the city that they should take active measures to help the earthquake stressed areas.

Early on April 21, in response to the call of the Red Cross of Ningbo, many people came to the red cross, the old people, children, migrant workers, and employees from enterprises. By 20:00 on April 21, the Red Cross of Ningbo received donations of 746,830 yuan and materials valuing 302,110 yuan.

It is learned that the Red Cross of Yinzhou District has donated 150,000 yuan to the Red Cross of Sichuan Province.

Free tea-picking tours conducted

At the Yinzhou Tea Culture Festival held yesterday, the free tea-picking tours, conducted by Feifeng Tea Company, attracted many tourists.

The tea plantation is located on the top of the Meishan Mountain in Hengxi Town, covering an area of over 1000 acre. This period is the right season for tea-picking. Yesterday morning, many tourists took part in the tea-picking activities. At the gate of the tea plantation, a Ms. Wu said excitedly that this activity was an unforgettable experience involving mountaineering, tea picking and sightseeing.

According to Ying Mingshi, the owner of the tea plantation, it is the first time this year for them to conduct such free tea-picking, tasting and processing. To make the local quality tea available to more citizens, the activity will last until the end of the spring tea picking period.

It is also understood that the "Tashan Weir" spring tea will from this year on conduct a "reasonable price" activity, with the lowest available price at only 300 yuan per kilogram.

Public bicycle spots to be selected

How much has been done for public bicycle project? How many new bus routes have been started in the past quarter? What is the current situation for natural gas buses and hybrid taxis? Such kind of questions in the field of urban traffic congestion governance and ecological civilization are the greatest concern of the public, as well as the supervisors for the people's livelihood work. On the afternoon of April 15, accompanied by officials from Ningbo Municipal Inspection Office, five work supervisors came to Ningbo Transportation Commission, conducting the first supervision of the progress of the practical livelihood projects.

In the past quarter of this year, the practical livelihood projects in the charge of Ningbo Transportation Commission were well under way. Three bus routes were newly started and seven, optimized, accounting for 30% and 35% of the yearly task. 151 new buses were put into use, including 99 driven by natural gas, accounting for 66% of the annual task. 378 hybrid taxis were added, accounting for 32% of the objective of the year.

Read more: Public bicycle spots to be selected

20 jailed for producing, selling 'gutter oil'

NINGBO - Twenty people in China were given jail terms ranging from seven years to life for manufacturing and selling "gutter oil" in two provinces, a local court announced Tuesday.

"Gutter oil" refers to recycled oil made from kitchen waste dredged from gutters behind restaurants as well as inedible animal oil. The oil, which contains carcinogenic substances, is dangerous if consumed.

Liu Liguo from the eastern province of Shandong was handed a life sentence after being convicted of "producing and selling hazardous and substandard food," according to a verdict from the Ningbo Intermediate People's Court in Zhejiang province.

Liu sold 99.9 million yuan ($16.2 million) worth of the unsafe edible oil made from kitchen waste between December 2007 and July 2011, the court found.

Six others who worked for Liu were sentenced to seven to 14 years in prison.

Bu Qingfeng from the central province of Henan was also sentenced to life in prison for "selling hazardous and substandard food," according to the verdict.

Bu earned 201 million yuan by selling "gutter oil" bought from Liu to food makers, pharmaceutical companies and feed producers between January 2010 and June 2011, the court found.

In a third case, Yuan Yi, a stall owner at a grain and oil market in Zhengzhou, capital city of Henan, was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Yuan was convicted of selling 2.95 million yuan worth of "gutter oil" he purchased from Liu to construction-site canteens, roadside food stalls, and oil sellers, according to the verdict.

Eleven others who worked for Bu and Yuan were given jail terms ranging from seven to 15 years.

None of the defendants appealed their sentences in court.



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