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The Red Cross of Ningbo in action

After the Lushan earthquakes, the Red Cross of Ningbo immediately started the emergency and rescue plan. It decided to donate 200,000 yuan and materials worth 300,000 yuan to the earthquake affected areas. The Red Cross notified all the red crosses of the city that they should take active measures to help the earthquake stressed areas.

Early on April 21, in response to the call of the Red Cross of Ningbo, many people came to the red cross, the old people, children, migrant workers, and employees from enterprises. By 20:00 on April 21, the Red Cross of Ningbo received donations of 746,830 yuan and materials valuing 302,110 yuan.

It is learned that the Red Cross of Yinzhou District has donated 150,000 yuan to the Red Cross of Sichuan Province.

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