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5th Happy Neighborhood Festival opened

On the morning of November 2, the 5th Happy Neighborhood Festival of Ningbo opened in Baiyunzhuang Neighborhood Community in Haishu District. The festival is jointly hosted by the Publicity Department of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, Ningbo Wenming Office, Ningbo Municipal Press and Publication Administration, Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs, Ningbo Administration of Sports and Ningbo Women's Federation.

In the opening ceremony, 6 young people were arranged to give regular help to 6 empty-nested old people in their daily lives. The 81890 Community Service Center presented a "phone for the old" to every old person in the community, with which an aged person can call for help in case of emergency.

After the opening ceremony, over 200 volunteers of the 81890 Service Center and the Community offered over 20 free services like blood pressure and blood sugar tests, household appliance repairs, and glasses cleaning.

The theme of the Happy Neighborhood is Mutual Help of Neighborhood. The festival will last for a month. And all the counties and districts of the city will organized activities for the festival.

Ningbo to build top public transit system in 2020

Ningbo pledged measures to ease traffic congestion with a goal of building top public transit system. City planning and transportation authorities have published a draft plan titled "Ningbo urban public transport development plan (2012-2020)" on Tuesday. Citizens are welcome to make comment or suggestions by calling at 87733521 (planning), 87398394 (traffic) before November 28.

The project is scheduled to cover Ningbo's six urban districts, namely, Haishu, Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Yinzhou, Zhenhai, and Beilun districts, with a focus on the central area in each district. The program aims to significantly improve the capacity of public transportation system by 2015. Through promoting and streamline the system, the public transportation system will play a major role in transporting commuters and easing traffic jam.

By 2020, an efficient and effective public transport system will have been completed. Ningbo will turn to a city featured by first-class public transportation. With the operation of the subway system, public transportation will be the dominant mode of urban transportation in Ningbo.

No major epidemic outbreak reported: Health Department

No major outbreaks of epidemics and other public health hazards had been reported in Ningbo after typhoon "Fitow" hit the city, said the Municipal Health Bureau on Wednesday.

According to data revealed by local Infectious Diseases Online Reporting System and Infectious Diseases Surveillance System, 2,553 cases of infectious diseases had been reported from October 7 to 29 in the 11 counties (cities) of Ningbo, down 15.94 percent year on year.

Typhoon "Fitow" hit Ningbo earlier October and triggered heavy rainfall, which caused waterlog in some areas of Ningbo. To ensure that no major epidemic outbreak after the flood, health departments on city and county levels took immediate measures, including the monitoring and reporting of epidemics, disinfection for food, drinking water and living environment, guidance of disease prevention in the disaster-hit zone. The emergency monitoring and prevention work had been completed by October 30.

In a recent assessment on the post-disaster health and disease prevention conducted by Municipal Health Bureau, disease control experts agreed that no flood-related infectious disease outbreaks and public health hazards happened since the typhoon and flood hit Ningbo. The epidemic prevention and control measures were proved to be successful in achieving the goal of "no epidemic after the disaster".

Singles' Day promotions keep retailers busy

While shoppers are waiting excitedly for the Single's Day shopping spree, both online and traditional retailers as busy as ever with all kinds of promoting sales.

As an unofficial Chinese festival, Singles' Day, which falls on Nov 11, is celebrated mostly by unattached young people. Online shop owners launch promotions during the festival to boost sales during the traditionally slow business season. Chinese online shoppers spent 19.1 billion yuan (USD$ 3.11 billion) on last Single's Day, with 393 million yuan spent by Ningbo internet users.

For the upcoming Singles' Day, retailers are integrating online and offline promotions, which seems to give more discounts and deals to consumers. While spending time looking for deals online and offline, consumers are also concerned with the possible delivery delay caused by the mass promotion.

Read more: Singles' Day promotions keep retailers...

Mini Museum of Yong Opera opens in Ningbo

A Mini Museum of Yong Opera opened in Xincheng Neighborhood in Jiangdong District. Yong Opera is a traditional form of Chinese folk art originated in Ningbo.

Visitors can find the costumes of well-known Yong opera performers, handwritten script in 1960s, old-fashioned phonograph used as stage props, and other items of cultural significance in the museum.

Walking into the museum is like taking a journey into the past. Covering nearly 200 square meters, the museum is divided into three sections, namely, the "regeneration of the art", "the summit," and "the modern prosperity," telling the history of Yong Opera. "This is the costume of Ms. Cao Dingying when she performed in "Half -scissors". This gown was the costume of Ms. Yang Liuting in her play "Going to rain", and this is handwritten script of "The two brothers" in 1960s," said the director in Ningbo Yong Opera Troupe. The museum displayed more than 30 valuable pictures and photos, 20 pieces of drama relics, opera costumes, musical instruments, and audio and video tapes, which record the life and artistic career of the older generation. The director added, "we will replace items on display regularly so that visitors can know more about the history of Yong Opera."

Read more: Mini Museum of Yong Opera opens in...


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