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Ningbo to build top public transit system in 2020

Ningbo pledged measures to ease traffic congestion with a goal of building top public transit system. City planning and transportation authorities have published a draft plan titled "Ningbo urban public transport development plan (2012-2020)" on Tuesday. Citizens are welcome to make comment or suggestions by calling at 87733521 (planning), 87398394 (traffic) before November 28.

The project is scheduled to cover Ningbo's six urban districts, namely, Haishu, Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Yinzhou, Zhenhai, and Beilun districts, with a focus on the central area in each district. The program aims to significantly improve the capacity of public transportation system by 2015. Through promoting and streamline the system, the public transportation system will play a major role in transporting commuters and easing traffic jam.

By 2020, an efficient and effective public transport system will have been completed. Ningbo will turn to a city featured by first-class public transportation. With the operation of the subway system, public transportation will be the dominant mode of urban transportation in Ningbo.

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