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No major epidemic outbreak reported: Health Department

No major outbreaks of epidemics and other public health hazards had been reported in Ningbo after typhoon "Fitow" hit the city, said the Municipal Health Bureau on Wednesday.

According to data revealed by local Infectious Diseases Online Reporting System and Infectious Diseases Surveillance System, 2,553 cases of infectious diseases had been reported from October 7 to 29 in the 11 counties (cities) of Ningbo, down 15.94 percent year on year.

Typhoon "Fitow" hit Ningbo earlier October and triggered heavy rainfall, which caused waterlog in some areas of Ningbo. To ensure that no major epidemic outbreak after the flood, health departments on city and county levels took immediate measures, including the monitoring and reporting of epidemics, disinfection for food, drinking water and living environment, guidance of disease prevention in the disaster-hit zone. The emergency monitoring and prevention work had been completed by October 30.

In a recent assessment on the post-disaster health and disease prevention conducted by Municipal Health Bureau, disease control experts agreed that no flood-related infectious disease outbreaks and public health hazards happened since the typhoon and flood hit Ningbo. The epidemic prevention and control measures were proved to be successful in achieving the goal of "no epidemic after the disaster".

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