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Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Association established

Recently, the Ningbo Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Association was established, with Zhang Yan, President and General Manager of Ningbo Jizhi Technology Co. Ltd., being the first director.

The association, serving as a communication bridge for the young entrepreneurs, aims to promote the exchange and cooperation between young entrepreneurs and government, colleges and enterprises. Meanwhile, the association will help to solve various technical or non-technical problems of the young entrepreneurs through all kinds of platforms. By integrating the resources, it will develop in spotting high-quality venture projects, improving venture investment and building venture incubation platforms, and thus promote Ningbo’s construction as an entrepreneurial city.

Fenghua branch of Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College to be built

The construction of the Fenghua branch of Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College was started on the morning of April 29 on the Xiangwang Temple Street, marking the expansion of the higher education to the county and district area from the central urban area.

The branch is located at the Fenghua cultural & Educational industrial planning zone, just beside the TengtouVillage Scenic Area and the Xikou Scenic Area, both national AAAAA scenic area. As a major municipal project, the branch campus will be built in phases with the first phase covering an area of 600 mu, with an investment of one billion yuan in 480 days. The project will be completed by the end of 2017, the Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College will be moved to the campus in Fenghua County

China’s First Supply Chain Institute Launched in Ningbo

Ningbo Supply Chain Innovation Institute China was launched officially on 7th, March in Ningbo University. Ningbo Supply Chain Innovation Institute China, jointly built by Ningbo and MIT, is the first supply chain institute in China and it will start taking in full-time postgraduates worldwide in the autumn of 2017. 
Ningbo Supply Chain Institute China is an independent and non-profit making education and scientific research institution temporarily set in Ningbo University. With educational resources such as curriculum provision, teaching methods and assessment system introduced from MIT, it offers master and doctor degree programs and high-end training for enterprises’ senior management. Ningbo Supply Chain Institute aims to bring up high-end and international supply chain management elites. 
     Eric Grimsby , Executive Principal of MIT and Jussi Sherfey, Director of MIT Transportation and Logistics Center attended the press conference on 7th, March. Jussi mentioned that logistics and supply chain management is a weak spot for developing countries. For a product, the logistics and supply chain management accounts for 7%-8% of its price in developed countries whereas that rate can rise  above 20% in developing countries. Thus by lowering the cost of logistics, Chinese products are allowed to lower their prices by 15% at most which is of great importance in improving Chinese enterprises’ competitiveness and boosting China’s development. At present, there is a shortfall of about 1million supply chain management talents in China

Elites in Ningbo Private Enterprises Pursue “Mind Upgrade”

Plunging into online study right after work and attending university lessons during weekends have become the new knowledge upgrade mode for more and more operators who are in pursuit of “Mind Upgrade” in private enterprises in Ningbo. As it is learned from Ningbo municipal public services platform for small-and-medium enterprises, the “Network Education College” which is personalized for Ningbo private enterprises by Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee has become extremely popular. With the application channel opened (open) for only half a month, 500 free accounts have already been snatched up. 
    As it is introduced, the “Network Education College” has harbored more than 3000 online courses. Besides, users could study all day through computer and phone. So far, the study frequencies and times of most enterprises that have got accounts have surpassed expectations. Among them, Ningbo Ruili Laundry Co,. Ltd stood out as an “Online Super Scholar” with an average monthly log-in frequency of 2500 times and online study time that is about 1300 hours.

Read more: Elites in Ningbo Private Enterprises...

Bike Industry Most Favored at Job Fair

The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring when people exert themselves to the heated job-hunting. On the day of March 3rd, Shengshan Town held the spring human resources recruitment fair with 18 enterprises leaving seats vacant for the job applicants, attracting quite a few people to consult and negotiate.
 “A majority of the 18 enterprises inviting applications for jobs are bicycle and bearing industries and they mainly recruit front-line skilled workers.” The working staff of the Labor Security Bureau at the town told us that many enterprises started operation at a relatively later time while there was a downward trend existing in the total number of employees under the influence of economic environment. However, the reporters in the recruitment site found that the recruitment demand for the manufacturing of components and parts of bicycles and musical instruments increased rather than deceased, becoming the most powerful “magnet” of the job fair.

Read more: Bike Industry Most Favored at Job Fair

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