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Safety campaign launched in Ningbo

Ningbo Municipal Federation of Trade Unions recently launched the special campaign for "finding hidden dangers, promoting reform, and ensuring safety". In the following three months, the city's trade unions at all levels will organize millions of workers to sort through and eliminate safety hazards to ensure safety.

The focus of this initiative is those industries and enterprises with possibilities of accidents, great hazards and grim safety situation, including the enterprises in such fields as ammonia refrigeration, labor-intensive industries, construction, hazardous chemicals, non-coal mines, machinery manufacturing, road transport, hydraulic engineering, special equipments, and explosive materials. All the trade unions at all levels will strengthen cooperation to mobilize enterprises to carry out education for safe production and accident hazard warning, to help employees learn lessons from safety accidents and to continuously enhance their safety awareness. In the meanwhile, the Federation of Trade Unions will conduct the "12315 accident report hotline" to further smooth the reporting channels for accidents and hidden hazards.

Largest PV power generation project put into operation

The Geely grid-connected solar project was put into operation on June 19, becoming the city's largest photovoltaic power generation project.
Zhejiang Geely Automobile Company is located in Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone. The roofs of the FE workshop stamping, welding, painting and final assembly plants are covered by a total of more than 9,300 pieces of polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic components. With a total investment of 28 million yuan, the capacity of the project is 2.23 MW, and the average annual output reaches 2 million KWH.

According to a person in charge of the company, by installing equipments on the existing roofs, they can not only reduce costs but also effectively solve the problem of electricity shortage in peak hours.

With the photovoltaic project officially put into operation, the company can save electricityby around 5% annually, amounting to 500,000 yuan of cost savings. During the peak hours, it can effectively reduce the use of grid power, and leave more power for civil use. In addition, the project has an obvious effect of energy conservation and emission reduction, as it can save 752.8 tons of standard coal each year, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1972.2 tons.

Read more: Largest PV power generation project...

"Space seeds" bear fruits

Recently, with an astonishing price of 6000 yuan, a well-known entrepreneur in Zhejiang Province booked a giant "space" pumpkin to celebrate his father's 85th birthday from Siming Lake Modern Agricultural Garden. It is reported that the “space” pumpkins in the demonstration garden weigh over 50 kilograms each, and a dozen of them have been booked so far.

In the Siming Lake Modern Agricultural Demonstration Garden, there are now more than 30 giant "space" pumpkins, as well as bunches of green cherry tomatoes one the two-meter-tall vines. "All the 'space' vegetables in this garden are remarkable." said Yuan Weiyue proudly, the person in charge of the garden. "For example, an ordinary eggplant may change color after being cut, while our 'space' eggplant will not get oxidized within 24 hours."

In August last year, Yuyao Runfeng Agriculture Development Corporation reached a cooperation agreement with the Space Breeding Center of China Ministry of Agriculture to establish the first and only one demonstration base for space vegetables and fruits. Among the introduced over 140 kinds of "space seeds", 24 kinds have entered the trail stage.

Read more: "Space seeds" bear fruits

"100,000 Zhejiang merchants entering 100 zones" platforms to be build in Ningbo

Zhejiang Province has recently launched the activity of "100,000 Zhejiang merchants entering 100 zones". A promotion meeting was held in Ningbo on June 19 to arrange the promotion work of the activity, striving to attract more than 120 projects to settle down in Ningbo in 2013.
According to the unified planning by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, the 2nd World Congress of Zhejiang Businessmen will be held in late October this year. With the theme of "venturing in the world and developing Zhejiang economy", the congress involves 3 main activities and 10 thematic activities, with the focus being "100,000 Zhejiang merchants entering 100 zones". The campaign will mobilize and organize 100,000 Zhejiang merchants to go into 100 industrial cluster zones, development zones or parks, and major urban areas to carry out project matching activities, and strive to bring about more than 1000 projects to settle in Zhejiang Province.

Ningo is a major destination for returned Zhejiang businessmen. From June this year, Ningbo will give full play to its functional advantage, industrial transformation advantage and the "Ningbo Bang" advantage, invite about 12,000 Zhejiang merchants to go to the 20 industrial cluster zones, development zones or parks and major urban areas to carry out project inspection and negotiation, and strive to promote the settlement of over 120 investment projects in Ningbo.

Read more: "100,000 Zhejiang merchants entering...

150 demonstrative rural cultural halls to be built

It is learned from the promotion meeting for the construction of rural cultural halls in Ningbo held on June 17 that this year will be the pilot year for the construction of the halls and 150 demonstrative rural cultural halls will be built within the year. Yu Hongyi, Member of the Standing Committee of Ningbo Party Committee and Director of Ningbo Publicity Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Over the years, considerable attention has been paid to rural culture construction in Ningbo, especially in recent years. With the organization of a series of rural, grass-roots-oriented culture projects, the work has achieved remarkable results. However, the general low level of cultural construction in rural areas has not fundamentally changed. To build the cultural halls is to integrate a variety of cultural resources to promote cultural construction in rural areas from infrastructure to content development and from scattered resources to resource integration, thus improving the quality and level of cultural construction in rural areas.

Read more: 150 demonstrative rural cultural halls...


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