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Safety campaign launched in Ningbo

Ningbo Municipal Federation of Trade Unions recently launched the special campaign for "finding hidden dangers, promoting reform, and ensuring safety". In the following three months, the city's trade unions at all levels will organize millions of workers to sort through and eliminate safety hazards to ensure safety.

The focus of this initiative is those industries and enterprises with possibilities of accidents, great hazards and grim safety situation, including the enterprises in such fields as ammonia refrigeration, labor-intensive industries, construction, hazardous chemicals, non-coal mines, machinery manufacturing, road transport, hydraulic engineering, special equipments, and explosive materials. All the trade unions at all levels will strengthen cooperation to mobilize enterprises to carry out education for safe production and accident hazard warning, to help employees learn lessons from safety accidents and to continuously enhance their safety awareness. In the meanwhile, the Federation of Trade Unions will conduct the "12315 accident report hotline" to further smooth the reporting channels for accidents and hidden hazards.

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