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The biggest tourist center under construction

The construction of another large-scale tourist center started on June 28 in Fenghua, with the aim to better serve the visitors.    
  Having been listed as one of the major projects in the service sector within the Twelfth Five Year Period, the center will host an investment of as much as one billion yuan and is scheduled to be completed in three years. The project covers a floor space of 81.5 mus on the northeastern side of the crossroad of Xihe Road and Dacheng Road in Fenghua, becoming the largest tourist center in Ningbo that is equipped with sound facilities.    
   The center is planned to provide one-stop transportation services that includes all the vehicles like buses, cars, trains and even planes. Tourists who need to travel by plane can buy the ticket and consign their luggage in the center and then be transported directly to the airport for security check and boarding.
  In addition, the center itself will be a tourism site of Fenghua, housing such attractions as tourism culture square, a street decorated with republican style, shopping area, restaurants and hotels. As many as 32 tourism agents will open offices there, and they will co-build an exhibition area for over 3,000 kinds of Fenghua’s specialties and souvenirs.

Over 80% major projects of the year completed

A batch of major projects started as scheduled with the promotion of investment. It is learned that 46 of the 57 projects that were scheduled to start in the first six months are under construction, including the fast track on Guangdehu Road, the wind farm in Yinzhou District and the Cizhong School. Till the end of May, the investment on the key projects of Ningbo amounted to a record high of 43.6 billon yuan, up by 36 percent against the same period of last year.     
It is learned that the investment to the major industrial projects from January to May stood at 20.5 billon yuan, an increase of 44.4 percent. The scale of investment accounted for nearly half of the total investment for major projects. A large portion of the investment goes to the livelihood areas, with many of the projects that concerned the benefits of citizens starting off smoothly, including the Sunshine City household for senior citizens, the welfare home in Jiangdong and Ningbo Culture Square etc. In addition, Pujia public rental housing, Yingjia affordable housing and the Talent Apartment in Xiangshan also progressed in good order, with 1,811 sets of houses completed at present. From January to May, the investment of major livelihood projects in Ningbo added up to two billion yuan, nearly doubled against the same period of last year.  
A number of major projects were completed recently, including the Ningbo Section of the Hangzhou-Ningbo high speed railway that is put into operation on July, 1st, the auto project of Shanghai Volkswagen whose first car will be ready for sale in the near future.

All aboard bullet trains to Ningbo

THE Shanghai-Ningbo high-speed railway opened yesterday, cutting travel time between the two cities from 180 minutes to 100 minutes.

The line, which has a maximum speed limit of 300 kilometers per hour, is essentially an extension of the Shanghai-Hangzhou line that opened about three years ago. 

"The new bullet train lines will help balance economic development in the Yangtze River Delta region," said Sun Zhang, a rail expert with Shanghai Tongji University.

Passengers seemed to agree with Sun's assessment, especially businesspeople. 

"Speed is the key," said Zhang Hua, a passenger who boarded G7505, the first bullet train from Shanghai to Ningbo yesterday morning. "The higher ticket prices are not a major concern."

Zhang, who works for a clothing company in Shanghai that has business in Ningbo, said the express service is about 80 minutes faster than previous trains.

Other businessmen told Shanghai Daily yesterday that in the past they would travel a day in advance of meetings, but the bullet trains allow them to travel the same day.

A second class ticket costs 150 yuan (US$24.44) while first class costs 250 yuan per person.

Read more: All aboard bullet trains to Ningbo

Nanjing-Hangzhou-Ningbo high-speed rail starts operation

Line connecting Nanjing to Ningbo greatly shortens travel time in region

The opening of a new high-speed train line linking Nanjing, Jiangsu province, with Ningbo, Zhejiang's only deepwater port, will not only make the integration of the Yangtze River Delta region a possibility, but almost a certainty.

The new high-speed rail line passing through Hangzhou, Zhejiang's provincial capital, will commence operations on Monday.

It is the latest leg of a high-speed rail network of eight lines that cross the industrial heartland of East China.

One of the richest regions in the country, the Yangtze River Delta region, with a total area of 99,600 square kilometers spanning two provinces plus Shanghai, has a combined population of 75 million people.

The cities and industrial pockets in the region are linked by the Yangtze River and its many tributaries.

Efforts to better integrate the region with Shanghai as its center have gained a major boost with the completion of the high-speed rail network that will greatly shorten travel time between cities.

Read more: Nanjing-Hangzhou-Ningbo high-speed...

Magic Show / Clown Show / Balloon Show / Performance Art

Dear Friend,
Do you feel boring in Laowaitan sometimes? You can find more in a Sat night in July! Come and find more!


Magic Show / Clown Show / Balloon Show / Performance Art

Club Singer/ Working Flair / Hip-hop/Italian Singer/Philippine Band/Sister girls from Iran

Bosses from 26 bars in Lao Wai Tan all attend!!!!!!


Time6th July 2013 Saturday 19:00  20:30

Venue: Lao Wai Tan Zhong Ma Road老外滩酒吧街 中马路


Please contact Alisa before July 4th(Notice:There are sits for us, pls book in advance, Thanks!).

139 5794 1323 /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Organized by Jiang Bei Wai Tan Management Committee& Jiang Bei Wai Tan Chamber of Commerce


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