Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Ningbo’s first public bike rent stations started construction

Ningbo is to complete the construction of the first group of 300 public bike rent stations by September 22, with 7,500 for rent. 
The other day, the construction of the public bike rent station near Ningbo Institute of Technology of Zhejiang University in Yinzhou started. This is the first one of the public bike rent stations of Ningbo. This station will have 30 bikes and it is computerized to the other stations and the renting and returning can be handled at any of the stations. 
The station is an 11-meter-long bike locker for 30 bikes. It is before a park facing the institute across the road, harmonious with the environment. 
“Here are so many students and the bikes may be in great demand,” said the builders. With this station and the stations around here at the schools and library, “a student can ride a rented bike to Yinzhou Library and return it at the station there, or vice versa. The bike is free for rent within one hour.” 
In addition, on the same day, another station at Ningbo Polytechnic also started construction this station is also for 30 bikes. 
On the construction site, an authority of Ningbo Passenger Transport Administration Bureau said, in the coming one month and a half, the first group of 300 stations will start construction. Before September 22, 7,500 bikes will be put in use. By the end of this year, another group of 7,500 bikes will be put in use. When the target, 600 stations with 15,000 bikes, is completed, the people in urban areas will have a new way for short-distance traffic. 

Steady growth of industrial economy in Yinzhou

In the first half of this year, for the target of being in the front of Zhejiang, and taking such measures as maintaining growth, adjusting the structure and promoting the transformation, Yinzhou has successfully improved its industry and all the industrial economic targets are on steady rise. 
The industrial economy is steady in general. From January to June, the district has its output of large industrial enterprises reach 95.348 billion yuan, 10.1% up year on year. The output value reaches 92.121 billion yuan, 10.5% up year on year. The output value of exports reaches 27.216 billion yuan, increased by 3.6% year on year. The income of primary business from January to May reaches 72.533 billion yuan, up by 11.1% year on year. The industrial profit reaches 4.123 billion yuan, increased by 4.3% year on year. The industrial power consumption amounts to 2.447 billion kwh, increased by 2.48% year on year. 
Both production and sales maintain a stable increase. In June, the GDP of the large industrial enterprises amounts to 19.633 billion yuan, and the sales reaches 18.725 billion yuan, increased by 7.4% and 6.5% respectively. From January to June, the industrial GDP and sales value increase by 10.1% and 10.5% respectively, and the ratio of the production and the sales is 96.6%, Of the main industries, the general equipment industry, the auto industry, the electric machinery industry and the metal manufacturing industry grow faster than the average, up by 20.2%,15.3%,13.9 % and12.6% respectively. Their GDP is respectively 8.251 billion yuan, 7.51 billion yuan, 14.911 billion yuan and 4.886 billion yuan. 

The 17th Ningbo International Fashion Festival to open in October

According to the Organizing Committee, the 17th Ningbo International Fashion Festival, hosted by China National Textile And Apparel Council, China Clothing Association and Ningbo Municipal Government will open from October 24 to 27. The theme is “Innovative Ningbo, Oriental Fashion.” 
The activities of the festival this year will include the Final of Ningbo Children Model Contest, the series of activities for China pioneering designers, the annual brands of Chinese fashion and international fashion designers, the exhibition of the trend of materials for 2014-2015, and the international professional purchasing fair. 
Of the these activities, Ningbo International Fashion Fair, aimed for garments exhibition and trade, is to open in 6 exhibition halls of Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center, with 2,000 exhibition stalls. At least 8,500 professional purchasing merchants home and abroad and 20 important trade delegations will be invited to the fair. 
VIPs and experts in the fashion circle of China and foreign countries will be invited to the series of activities of Annual China Fashion Forum.

Yinzhou to build a tramcar line

According to Yinzhou District Administration of Transportation, in the latter half this year, Yinzhou will implement a series of measures to relax traffic pressure, including putting in more public bikes and optimizing public bus lines. Of these measures is a plan to start the construction of a tramcar line. 
The tramcars are driven by electricity and they are pollution free vehicles without emission of exhaust. Unlike the normal public buses, Tramcars go on their track and therefore there is not the problem of traffic jam, they are faster, more steady in speed and more on schedule. 
Related people say that this project is titled “Yinzhou First Phase Project of Modern Trolley Bus Experimental Line”. It is approved in principle by Ningbo Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the project will start in this year. The line is to start from Jiangshan Town, through South Tiantong Road, Yinzhou Avenue, North Ningnan Road and to West Siming Road. The line is about 7.67 kilometers long, with 10 stations, all on the ground. 
In addition, The public bike station of Ningbo Institute of Technology of Zhejiang University, one station of the public bike rent project will start presently. By September 22, all the first group of 60 public bike rent stations with 1,550 bikes will open to the public. 

Theatre on Ningbo Cultural Plaza to open

Theatre on Ningbo Cultural Plaza, a key cultural project of Ningbo, is to open on August 18. Then there will be 13 great shows in the theatre by troupes home and abroad. For Ningbo citizens, this is a top-grade recreational place. 
The Grand Theatre on Ningbo Cultural Plaza is situated in Eastern New Town, near Ningbo Municipal Administration Center. Its floorage totals 23,000 sq meters, with four surface floors and one underground floor. The theatre has 1,531 seats and has completed auxiliary facilities. It has a T-shaped stage, 18 meters wide and 12 meters high, and the theatre is multi-functional for drama, plays, concerts, comprehensive shows and conferences. 
The Grand Theatre of Ningbo Cultural Plaza is to be managed by the Management Company of Beijing Poly Theatre. It aims to broadcast the mainstream culture, popularize classic arts and to meet the cultural demands of the citizens. It is also commissioned to be a platform for the development of the cultural industry, to promote the development of the cultural market, and to invigorate the show market and related cultural industries. 
The Grand Theatre on Ningbo Cultural Plaza is to have about 100 high-grade shows. On September 28, the theatre will open for free visit to citizens. 
The first shows will include 13 great shows in the theatre by troupes home and abroad. 


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