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Steady growth of industrial economy in Yinzhou

In the first half of this year, for the target of being in the front of Zhejiang, and taking such measures as maintaining growth, adjusting the structure and promoting the transformation, Yinzhou has successfully improved its industry and all the industrial economic targets are on steady rise. 
The industrial economy is steady in general. From January to June, the district has its output of large industrial enterprises reach 95.348 billion yuan, 10.1% up year on year. The output value reaches 92.121 billion yuan, 10.5% up year on year. The output value of exports reaches 27.216 billion yuan, increased by 3.6% year on year. The income of primary business from January to May reaches 72.533 billion yuan, up by 11.1% year on year. The industrial profit reaches 4.123 billion yuan, increased by 4.3% year on year. The industrial power consumption amounts to 2.447 billion kwh, increased by 2.48% year on year. 
Both production and sales maintain a stable increase. In June, the GDP of the large industrial enterprises amounts to 19.633 billion yuan, and the sales reaches 18.725 billion yuan, increased by 7.4% and 6.5% respectively. From January to June, the industrial GDP and sales value increase by 10.1% and 10.5% respectively, and the ratio of the production and the sales is 96.6%, Of the main industries, the general equipment industry, the auto industry, the electric machinery industry and the metal manufacturing industry grow faster than the average, up by 20.2%,15.3%,13.9 % and12.6% respectively. Their GDP is respectively 8.251 billion yuan, 7.51 billion yuan, 14.911 billion yuan and 4.886 billion yuan. 

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