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CODEX to be open in Ningbo

The hunt for winners of the CODEX award was started on the 2013 Hangzhou Industrial Design Fair held on August 31, and Ningbo Hefeng Creativity Square was selected as the main site for awards selection. The awarded works are likely to be exhibited on Milan Expo two years later.
Founded in 1954, CODEX is the most influential award in industrial design. It has been listed as a national legacy of Italy by Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali in 2004. In its history of nearly 60 years, some 300 works have been awarded. In 2012, Associazione per il Disegno Industriale (ADI), the manager of the award since 1962, signed a contract with Ningbo Hefeng Creativity Square and set up the Design Center of Associazione per il Disegno Industriale in China, promoting the development of Ningbo's industrial design companies. 
In 2013 and 2014, 50 pieces of works will be selected around China and then they will be sent to Milan in 2015 to attend the global competition.
"Proportionally, only five works will be awarded with CODEX," said relative staff of the design center in China. The work winning the big award will be exhibited on Milan Expo.

Ningbo starts constructing Ningbo New Materials Science Park

Ningbo New Materials Science Park will appear in a 55-square-km area on the Yongjiang River that extends from Zhenhai, Jiangbei to Ningbo National Hi-tech Zone. The other day, Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Ningbo Municipal Government held a mobilizing meeting for the construction of For the New Materials Science Park. Liu Qi, Member of the Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, attended and spoke at the meeting. Lu Ziyue, Vice Secretary of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of Ningbo, attended the unveiling ceremony of the Park. Ningbo New Materials Science Park is an important project of Ningbo in the implement of the strategy of endogenous development driven by innovation. 

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Ningbo striving to be a low-carbon city

According to a meeting on the construction of a low-carbon city, Ningbo will take a great step to be a low-carbon city. 
Ningbo has laid a solid foundation in the construction of a low-carbon city. In the 12th five-year plan period, Ningbo has made notable results in energy saving in many fields. It has constantly sped up the development and utilization of national gas, and the annual consumption reaching 1.66 billion cubic meters. In addition to the projects of “replacement of coal by gas” and “replacement of diesel by gas” in the fields of power generation and traffic, national gas is more and more popular in household, with about 600,000 users. Solar energy, wind energy and biologic energy are widely used. Ningbo has made steady progress in energy saving in key industries and circular economy. It has eliminated backward production facilities in 974 enterprises and carried out 1,844 technological renovate projects, saving standard coal as much as 2.8 million tons. 
After Ningbo was listed as a pilot low-carbon city, Ningbo has substantially pushed forward a series of groundwork like the establishment of the working mechanism and essential studies. Following the working mechanism, Ningbo will strengthen the low-carbon development capacity, draw up the list of greenhouse gas emission, and set up a data query and management system. It will start to make a general plan for the low-carbon development and a special plan for the fields of energy, traffic and architecture. It will carry out the soft projects, completing the project of “banking service innovation and low-carbon energy marketization”. It will try to be appointed as a national pilot city of power demand side management so as to give play to the potential and efficiency of the optimized power resource distribution.

Ningbo Museum to cooperate with British Museum

The other day, After a two-day visit of a manager of international affairs of the British Museum to Ningbo Museum, the two museums reached an intent agreement on a special exhibition of “the treasures of the world” in Ningbo Museum, an exhibition introduced from the British Museum. This is another international exchange project Ningbo Museum has had this year after its establishment of the friendship relation with Metropolitan Museum of Art early this year. 
Ningbo Museum is the youngest national first-class museum in China. With its fantastic buildings, collections of distinct features, good safety facilities and rich activities, the museum is more and more influential. 
The special exhibition “Treasures of the World” is an exhibition of chosen exhibits of the British Museum. The British Museum is the most famous museum of the world with a history of over 250 years and innumerous collections of the world. The special exhibition of the Treasures of the World will have over 200 rare exhibits of Africa (including ancient Egypt), ancient Middle East, Europe, Asia, Oceania and America. 

Ningbo’s Wi-Fi coverage enlarged

From now on, free Wi-Fi service is provided at bus stations. According to Ningbo Municipal Office of Smart City Construction, in 2013 citizens in Ningbo will have free Wi-Fi services in more areas. Haishu, Yinzhou and Zhenhai districts will open many Wi-Fi hot spots and Beilun and Cixi have opened some experience hot spots. The coverage of Wi-Fi will extend to bus stops and public bike renting stations. 
In recent years, Ningbo has taken active measures to promote the project of free Wi-Fi service for public places. In September 2012, Ningbo piloted the test in Haishu District, opening 20 free Wi-Fi hot spots. At present, the project is carried out in Haishu, Jiangdong, Yinzhou, Beilun and Zhenhai. With the payment by the government, the project aims to provide citizens some moderate free services in some non-profitable public places. By the first half of 2013, the city has opened 7,300 Wi-Fi hot spots, and 54,500 APs and it has 2,890,000 users of the 3G wireless broadband network in urban areas, up by 74% year on year. 
By June 2013, Haishu District has opened 87 free Wi-Fi hot spots with 7,400 users every day. Beside Haishu, Yinzhou, and Zhenhai have opened free Wi-Fi service in some public places. Jiangdong and Jiangbei districts have made its plan of 100 hot spots. In these two districts, the hot spots are mainly in hospitals, administrative approval halls, libraries and parks. In the future, the coverage of Wi-Fi will extend to bus stops and public bike renting stations.


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