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Ningbo Museum to cooperate with British Museum

The other day, After a two-day visit of a manager of international affairs of the British Museum to Ningbo Museum, the two museums reached an intent agreement on a special exhibition of “the treasures of the world” in Ningbo Museum, an exhibition introduced from the British Museum. This is another international exchange project Ningbo Museum has had this year after its establishment of the friendship relation with Metropolitan Museum of Art early this year. 
Ningbo Museum is the youngest national first-class museum in China. With its fantastic buildings, collections of distinct features, good safety facilities and rich activities, the museum is more and more influential. 
The special exhibition “Treasures of the World” is an exhibition of chosen exhibits of the British Museum. The British Museum is the most famous museum of the world with a history of over 250 years and innumerous collections of the world. The special exhibition of the Treasures of the World will have over 200 rare exhibits of Africa (including ancient Egypt), ancient Middle East, Europe, Asia, Oceania and America. 

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