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Ningbo Red Cross active in flood rescue

By the afternoon of October 19, Ningbo Red Cross had collected the relief funds and materials with a total value of 6.8809 million yuan, of which relief funds stood at 4.9578 million yuan, and disaster relief materials, 1.9231 million yuan. The total value of the relief supplies issued had reached 1.9207 million yuan.

The Red Cross organizations at all levels are also actively involved in such humanitarian relief work as post-disaster reconstruction and prophylactic disinfection. Immediately after the strike of the typhoon, Cixi Red Cross organized volunteers to rush to the affected areas, where they set up temporary supply release sites to release disinfection products, medicines, water and other supplies to people, and conducted disinfection at schools and other public places after the disaster.

International health care project settles in Hangzhou Bay New Zone

The International Health Care Industrial City, with a total investment of 18 billion yuan, settled in Hangzhou Bay New Zone on October 17. This has been the third major regional function project introduced to the new zone in 2013, apart from the MGM Chinese Holiday project and the China Rejuvenation Cultural Park project. It is believed that the project will promote the development of the cultural leisure and health care industry in the new zone and even in the whole city.

The project is said to be funded and constructed by China Construction International Corporation. Based on the company's advantageous resources in insurance, health and tourism, and the location advantage of the Hangzhou Bay wetland, the project will integrate the high-end health management and characteristic health care, with the aim of building the leading and most influential health care base in East China.

The project consists of three functional sections, including medical care, leisure care and tourist care, and will be constructed in three stages. The first stage, to be started at the beginning of next year, will cover such functional buildings as health management center and convalescence hospital, Chinese medicine hall and spa convalescence center. The second and third stages will be built in joint efforts with the state-of-the-art international health care enterprises, covering such functional sectors as international health care community, artist creative health care and enterprise headquarters, health care culture business block, international cosmetic health care base. It is expected that upon completion, the industrial city project will have the capacity of catering about one million people, guaranteeing boarding for 10,000 health care customers and providing 10,000 posts for employment.  

New cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong

On the evening of December 15, Forum on Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong 2013, jointly hosted by Ningbo Municipal Government and Hong Kong Trade Development Council, opened in Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Center. In his speech at the opening ceremony, Lu Ziyue, Vice Secretary of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor of Ningbo, expressed that Ningbo and Hong Kong need to strengthen cooperation further promote the industrial cooperation of the two places and promote the prosperity of the two cities.

On behalf of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Ningbo Municipal Government, Lu Ziyue expressed his thanks to the people for their concern and support to the development of Ningbo. He said that there is a close tie between Ningbo and Hong Kong in culture, economy and exchanges. At present, Hong Kong is the largest investor and major trade partner of Ningbo and it is also the beachhead of Ningbo's enterprises to go to the international market. Ningbo has become a hotland for the investment from Hong Kong and a perfect place for Hong Kong to explore the market at home. At present, Ningbo is taking the opportunity brought forth by the implement of the national marine economy strategy and the construction of Shanghai Free Trade Zone. And Ningbo is also making great efforts to promote its development by innovation. Lu said that Ningbo and Hong Kong have great potential for the further cooperation.

Read more: New cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong

General charity federations of Ningbo received donations of 24.574 million yuan

By 16:00 on October 17, Ningbo Charity Federation received donations amounting to 12.504 million yuan including the 182,000 yuan received in the past 24 hours. The donations include: 100,000 yuan by Mao Baoqing, Ningbo Honorary Citizen, and Board Chairman of Taipei Fund of Music and Education of the Visually Impaired, 39,550 yuan by Ningbo Road and Transport Administration, and 27,510 yuan by Ningbo Municipal Information Center.

The general charity federations of the districts, counties and cities of Ningbo have received money for the disaster relief as much as 12.07 million yuan, including the 5.48 million yuan received in the past 24 hours. Of the charity federations, Yinzhou District General Charity Federation received 5 million yuan donated by Aux Group. The donations the charity federations of the city have received add up to 24.574 million yuan.

Ningbo drained out all floods in central urban area

According to Ningbo Headquarters of Flood and Drought Control, Ningbo has drained out all floods in central urban areas.

Reportedly, besides the hard work by the fire departments of Ningbo City, the drainage has got great support by Nantong, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua and Wenzhou. The people worked day and night and with their help, the city management of Ningbo drained out all the accumulated water under all the overpasses. This ensured the traffic of all the main roads.

Read more: Ningbo drained out all floods in...


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