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Various cultural events to celebrate Spring Festival

To celebrate the Spring Festival, Haishu District has prepared a full range of cultural activities with strong traditional and festive characteristics. It is said that during the Spring Festival holiday, there will be over 100 events including shows, exhibitions and folk cultural activities in the district.

For this year's festival, a series of activities demonstrating deep historical heritage, folk customs and distinctive cultural characteristics are launched along the Drum Tower area and the Nantang Ancient Street, such as fashion shows, concerts, food festivals, music magic shows, and martial arts performances. During the first three days of the new lunar year, various cultural events will be carried out on the streets around the Drum Tower. On the Nantang Ancient Street, visitors can watch red lanterns, take walks, taste traditional Ningbo snacks, watch shows by some folk artists and take pictures of the new year.

In the meanwhile, a "warm road to home" photographic exhibition was held by Haishu Federation of Literary and Art Circles. 80 photos of Haishu District are exhibited at the waiting hall of Ningbo Railway Station, attracting the eyes of many returned passengers. The district Association of Calligraphers organized some calligraphers to compose and write spring couplets at the Drum Tower area, the Moonlake

Read more: Various cultural events to celebrate...

Fire alarm drops dramatically

As the saying goes, the sound of firecrackers bid farewell to the past year. But with the enhancement of the public awareness of environmental protection, on the Spring Festival Eve this year, people decreased the number of firecrackers and fireworks significantly. Statistics from Ningbo Fire Brigade show that from 16.00 January 30th to 8.00 January 31, the fire brigade forces managed to fight 63 fire alarms, with both the alarm number and disaster number dropped dramatically.

Reportedly, before the winter vacation this year, many students from primary and secondary schools received a special assignment: to persuade their families and friends to set off less of no fireworks during the Spring Festival holiday, and many units including streets, communities and some residential property management agencies also announced the proposal for reducing fireworks to the citizens. Before the Spring Festival, a statement of "no fireworks this year" was very popular among netizens in Ningbo.

According to statistics from Ningbo Fire Brigade departments, on the Spring Festival Eve this year, 31 fire alarms were reported in the urban area (including the three urban districts), and fortunately most of them didn’t lead to disasters.

Spring Festival firework sales sluggish amid smog

Retail stalls in Ningbo have been permitted to sell fireworks since this Tuesday, however, several firework retailers said they had significantly reduced their stock as the as residents have exercised restraint in order to ward off smog and fewer people come to buy fireworks now.

According to Mr. Jin, a grocery store owner in Jiangdong District, he has been selling fireworks in recent years during Spring Festivals. He said he used to have a giant pile of firecrackers in his store in previous years. However, the fireworks stock this year was so small that it occupies just a corner of the store. When asking about the sale of fireworks, Jin shook his head and said: "No one has asked the price yet so far."

According to a survey of the passers-by, the surveyed residents support the practice of avoiding the use of fireworks proposed by Ningbo Evening News last month.

Read more: Spring Festival firework sales...

Forest fire prevention stepped up for holiday

Ningbo Forest Fire Command Center recently issued a notice, urging all related sectors to tighten the wildfire control plans, improve leadership and strengthen coordination to ensure the safety of people and forests during the Spring Festival holiday.

Ningbo remains at high risk for wildfires as dry weather conditions persist. According to statistics from the forestry authority, 20 percent forest fires had occurred during the Spring Festival over the past 20 years,

During the holidays, the growing tourist number increases the risk of forest fires. The notice urges all related sectors to take the forest fire prevention as their top priority and conduct overall check over key areas, fire-prone areas and disaster areas. Forest management are required to tighten up controls to prevent burning incense and paper money in remembrance of the dead during Spring Festival and lighting firecrackers and fireworks in forest.

Ningbo Railway Station open 24-Hour during Spring Festival

Ningbo Railway Station has been open 24-Hour since January 26. Ningbo railway station, as well as the airport and the bus station, is gearing up for the peak travel period as the Spring Festival national holiday draws near.

Some passengers even choose to stay at the railway station overnight, waiting for trains. "We had a hard time securing the tickets and we don't want to miss the train," said Lin, a migrant worker from Jiangxi Province working in Ningbo's Xiangshan County. He and his friends came to Ningbo one day in advance and planned to spend the night outside the station. "To my surprise, the railway station is open 24 hours. It is much better than I expected and the facilities are better," Lin said.

Read more: Ningbo Railway Station open 24-Hour...


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