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Ningbo to make action plan for prevention and control of atmospheric pollution

According to a meeting on the work of environment protection held on April 21, in 2014 Ningbo is going to make a new plan for ecological construction and ecological functional zone, aiming to form an environment friendly situation for the regional sustainable development.

In 2014, following the principles of "forbidden development, restricted development, optimized development and favored development", Ningbo environment department will draw a line for the ecological protection, specifying the bottom line for the ecological function zones and environment bearing capacity. With the plan, the city shall strictly implement the system of total control of pollutants.

The air and water environment protection is an important part of the work of environment protection. In 2014, Ningbo is to make and plan of action for prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, to make detailed requirements and measures for the pollution control for the port areas and urban functional zones, concentrating on the "gas for coal" program, the elimination of small boilers and the control of dust in coal yards. Ningbo will go on the environment improvement programs for the coal yards, ore yards and cargo yards at the port area of Ningbo, speed up the treatment of solid particles of the steel enterprises and the organic pollutants of large chemical enterprises, and promote the improvement of the heavily polluting industries of casting and secondary metal smelting.


In the treatment of water environment, with the special action to close down backward production facilities, the city will continue the improvement program for the heavily polluting industries, complete the task of the province on the treatment of the heavily polluting industries of printing, paper making, and chemical industry, and start the improvement program for the municipal-level polluting industries. With the "water conservancy improvement program", the city will adjust and optimize the water environmental functional zones, close down the polluting sources in the drinking water protection zones, and make initial progress in the treatment in 43 towns and communities. The city will continue or start 11 wastewater treatment projects including the renovating project of West Yinzhou Sewage Treatment Plant and further improve the effluent retention pipe network in urban areas.

In 2014, the city will improve the air, water and other ecological monitoring system in the urban area. Environment quality shall be made an important indicator in the assessment of the party committees and principal government officers. The city will start to implement the admonition system in a appropriate time.

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