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The Most Beautiful Ningbo People 2013 announced

The Most Beautiful Ningbo People 2013 Awards Ceremony was held in Ningho TV Studio in the evening of March 16, all seats were occupied. Yu Hongyi, Wen Lumin, Zhang Minhua and Li Taiwu presented.
At 20:00, hosts affectionately introduced the 11 “Most Beautiful Ningbo People”. They were brave policeman Duan Xiaopeng, volunteer Zhu Zhiping who died young, the most beautiful delivery brothers, Yu Xunhua, taking care of his wife over the past 30 years in spite of weak and woe, philanthropist donated tens of millions of yuan anonymously for more than 10 years, veteran cadre Yan Zhiding had clean hands all his life of government service, Hu Yaohua, painstaking model of workers, Huang Lianyun who declined the inheritance of disabled elderly, swimming star Wang Shun, late policeman Xun Xiangqing, looking after village old people for many years, Ningbo groups --braved against the severe Tropical Storm Fitow.
In the award ceremony, touching scenes appeared one by one. When asked whether his father came together to share his happiness, Duan Xiaopeng bowed his head. It’s turned out that his father was looking after his mother, who fell into sick while took care of her injured son. “If I died, I would live up to my career. I’m sorry , but my parents... ”Zhu Zhiping died, left his young son and wife with no fixed job. This strong woman didn’t complain about life when asked if she had any difficulties. Good-natured Yun Xunhua said his wish was to grow old together with his wife. Xu Xiangqing’s son sang a lovingly song to express his feelings to his father, a lot of audience were moved to tears...

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Psychological counseling increases by 40%

2013 saw the counseling number grow nearly forty percent yearly in Ningbo city, among which adolescents enhanced fifty percent, recent statistics from City Counseling Treatment Center displays.
 More and more children have test anxiety. Little Lin is 14 years, and he has a strong test anxiety. At ordinary times, Lin ranks first in the class, but he can’t perform well in final exams. It’s going to be much worse. It turns out that his parents give too much concern to his study, requiring him to rank the top three in all examinations when he started school.
 “Children’s anxiety is often related to their family, while parents may think that it is due to children’s poor psychology. In fact, children bear the biggest pressure, thus parents need to reduce excessive attention. ”psychiatrist head Zhang said. 
 Career women now find they are repeatedly rebuffed at home, experts believe that the high-pressure modes of communication should be blamed. Mrs Bi is 40; she is a foreign executive after many years hard-working. But her family life is in a total mess, her husband often plays mahjong or surfs the internet to hide away from her, and her young kid feels bored at the sight of her.
This is a normal phenomenon among successful business women, says the professor.
Career women bring business thinking way into dealing with family member relationship-authority leadership model, which doesn’t work very well. Family is not a court but a sweet place. Wife should be more considerate and less demanding.
Besides, retirees become psychiatric patients. They find they have lost goals and a strong feeling of impotence replaced. Their life is in a complete mess, and their mood is very low. Actually, older people need more psychological care than others; they should play an active part in community activities to achieve self-realization.

Ningbo to build first tram

Ningbo is going to build its first tram system as its proposed plan has been officially approved in mid-February, said the city's planning sector.

According to the plan released by the planning sector, the tram will be operated in Yinzhou District. The construction is expected to be accomplished in 2015. The Planning authorities of Yinzhou District is gauging public feedback on the proposed the site plan of the tram system. City authorities have proposed building a 90-kilometer-long track with 12 stations.

A tram, also known as a tramcar or a trolley, is an efficient, emission-free mode of rail transport. Besides, the construction of tram is much cheaper than a subway. As tram need no tunnels, the construction of tram needs only one-third the expense an underground railway needs. Tram is very safe compared to other modern transports.

Read more: Ningbo to build first tram

Ningbo earmarks 480 b yuan for city development

"Ningbo government will work hard to put ahead with the flood control project, modern industrial training, urban function enhancement, people's livelihood improvement and basic infrastructure construction in the next 'three-year action plan'. We plan to start 419 projects with a total investment of over 480 billion yuan," said, Zhu Da, the spokesperson of Ningbo government at a news conference held on Wednesday morning. He added, Ningbo will grow into a city with better infrastructure and a stronger influence in three years. Ningbo's urbanization rate will exceed 71 percent.

According to Zhu, 71 percent of Ningbo's Water Environmental Function Zone shall meet the national standard in 2016. The value added of service industry shall take up as high as 46 percent of the GDP. The gross production of marine economy shall amount to 270 billion yuan ($43.99 billion). Ningbo's urbanization rate shall surpass 71 percent. The city shall achieve an integrative growth in urban and rural planning, industrial layout, infrastructure, and resource allocation. The housing security system will basically come into form and the basic public services will be equally allocated for residents. The Ningbo Port and airport services will be improved. The wireless network coverage will be over 98 percent. Another 10,000 talents shall receive high-tech training, making the total number of high-tech talents reach 1,700,000.

As the first year of "three-year action plan", the city plans to start 300 projects with a total investment of 140 billion yuan in 2014.

Wedding industry short on talent

As wedding market booms in Ningbo, it is falling short of the talent it needs.

"It is very difficult for us to find qualified employees," said a manager of a local Wedding Company. "We are desperately short of hands on wedding planning, wedding design, site supervision, photographers, and makeup artists, especially in peak seasons. Wedding industry offers both employment and good pay for graduates of vocational schools, but the industry lacks teachers. I've tried to cooperated with several local vocational schools. The answer is they had willing students but no teachers in this field. They had to invite our employees to teach some courses."


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