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The Xiangshan County Federation of Trade Unions Finds New Services for Employees

The launching ceremony of Xiangshan County's Blue Collar Loan Card was held days ago. Xiangshan County and Rural Credit Cooperative Union County signed a Blue Collar Loan Group agreement totaling 100 million yuan of quota with a credit period of two years. During the ceremony, Jiang Yaoze and other 16 members from Tian'an Group Trade Unions received a credit quota of 100,000 yuan of Blue Collar Loan cards.
“The Blue Collar is useful for me when, for example, I want to start a business or renovation of my house, or buy a car, and it is particularly convenient. said Yan Qiu, a worker from Ningbo-acoustic communication Equipment Co. when asked the uses of this card.
It is understood that Xiangshan Federation of Trade Unions built a Rural Credit Cooperative Union funds in order to provide a platform for entrepreneurial employees to display their talent and resolve financial problems. The platform launched the Blue Collar Loan Card products, the first of this kind nationally, through the model of cooperation union recommendation plus credit unions issue.

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Machine in Place of Human Invigorates Ningbo’s Industrial Drive

What is unfolding along long automated assembly lines is robots operating non-stop with one bearing assembled quickly. Bearing automated assembly lines requires only one employee from 20 in Ningbo Gengda Group Limited to achieve the automatic transmission, self-monitoring, online error report, thus greatly reducing product defects and increasing efficiency. On August 12, according to the Ningbo City Economic and Information Technology Commission, we are informed that from January to June, the city's industrial added value per ten thousand yuan declined 8 percent over the same period in 2013, the overall labor productivity grew by 8.7 percent. 
As a traditional large manufacturing city, Ningbo industrial enterprises are surging in their automation. The first half of the city's industrial investment totaled 63.65 billion yuan, an increase of 24.1%, 4.1 percentage points higher than in the first quarter; where technical innovation investment totaled 44.97 billion yuan, an increase of 25.2%, with technical innovation investment accounting for 70.7% of the total industrial investment.

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Ningbo Organized Coordination Meeting on Civility

On August 8, Ningbo held a special-purpose coordination meeting on improving civility, which requires municipal units with concerted efforts to deal with difficulties in the work to create a national civilized city.
It is reported that the special-purpose campaign is mainly aim to improve our environment, wipe out ecology and environment unfriendly actions, enhance social and cultural environment, put in place network order and community management order, led by the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication, City Network Information Office, Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau. Those five special campaigns involve working to solve difficult problems while creating a national civilized city, the kind of work placed priorities this year by the Central Civilization Office. According to the programs developed jointly by five leading units, the next step will be to enhance these five areas in terms of governance, management, investigation of all types of uncivilized behavior, and further improvement of the urban environment and living order so as to increase social civilization.

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Ningbo’s Traffic Police Maintain Traffic Order to the Fullest

Since 2014, Ningbo Traffic Police Department has focused tightly on treating congested roads, optimizing traffic order, and smart transportation building, lifting the entire police force to carry out the order of urban traffic management. Recently, a third party indicator on traffic condition evaluation shows that the average rule-abiding rates of vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrians in 18 major traffic conjunctions reached 99.7%, 83.5%, and 83.6%, respectively.

Responsibilities fall on traffic police to implement strict rules on road conditions

According to the responsible person for road order from the Traffic Police Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, is, this set of numbers hard-won achievement in the context of a sustained increase of motor vehicles and in the middle of construction projects such as rail transport and the building of north-south overhead.

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LNG E-transaction breaks bottleneck

At the end of July, a tank truck loaded with 20 tons of LNG drove to the Tongqin Industrial Park in Wuyi, Zhejiang Province, from an LNG factory in Puyang, Henan Province, making the beginning of LNG E-transaction at Ningbo Commodity Exchange, the first exchange to start the LNG E-transaction in China. 
In 2014, due to the macro economic environment, the overall demand for LNG is getting lower, while more new LNG factories have been put into production, leading to a more dramatic situation of supply exceeding demand. When the LNG industry in China encounters bottlenecks, the LNG E-transaction platform at Ningbo Commodity Exchange is developing well. Since its official operation in December 2013, there have been about 100 clients conducting E-transactions at the exchange, with the average daily volume exceeding 20000 hands. By the end of this June, the cumulative trading volume had reached 1.264 billion yuan. 
Actually, the transportation and storage of LNG has always been the biggest bottleneck for LNG spot exchange. By adopting the advanced E-business technologies, Ningbo Commodity Exchange realized the overall E-transaction of the exchange process. The dealers can complete the trading and settlement of commodities by logging onto the client terminals and making appropriate operations, thus greatly improving the circulation efficiency. 

Read more: LNG E-transaction breaks bottleneck


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