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Ningbo’s Traffic Police Maintain Traffic Order to the Fullest

Since 2014, Ningbo Traffic Police Department has focused tightly on treating congested roads, optimizing traffic order, and smart transportation building, lifting the entire police force to carry out the order of urban traffic management. Recently, a third party indicator on traffic condition evaluation shows that the average rule-abiding rates of vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrians in 18 major traffic conjunctions reached 99.7%, 83.5%, and 83.6%, respectively.

Responsibilities fall on traffic police to implement strict rules on road conditions

According to the responsible person for road order from the Traffic Police Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, is, this set of numbers hard-won achievement in the context of a sustained increase of motor vehicles and in the middle of construction projects such as rail transport and the building of north-south overhead.

A normal road traffic order lies in strict management. Since 2014, the city’s police department solidifies and deepens the "two standards and two improvements". In order to conduct positive reform in road work, we rely on three levels of command system, establish and implement the contract responsibility system mode of all road junctions with more than two thirds of police on duty everyday. Based on traffic, accidents and weather, holidays, major events, the traffic police also improvise with new pattern of work, and continuously increase the presence of police on the road to shoulder responsibilities and give targeted treatments on specific situations.
Traffic Police Department also focus on the treatment of a total of 39 major congested roads listed by the city and the province, with emphasis on treating problems such as DUI and cycling with a passenger. The first half of this year saw the treatment of massive traffic problems three times, together with the implementation of superposition regulation, regional regulation, and the form of regulation teams. 2,352,500 cases of illegal motor vehicles, 131,000 cases non-motor vehicles in violation of laws, and 4,200 cases of pedestrian violations were investigated and treated, among which 5389 cases of DUI and 1445 cases of drunken driving, an annual increase of 134.5%.

Scientific planning allows the optimization of transport order and facilities

The optimization of traffic order and transportation facilities leads to the improvement of the urban road traffic environment. Since 2014, the city's Traffic Police Department has seen treat traffic congestions, parking adjustment by the road as the critical infrastructure of urban traffic management task to reduce traffic junctions and tap the potential of the road network.
For the downtown part of the narrow road, traffic jam is an outstanding issue. In the first half of 2014, the Traffic Police Department added Jiangbei Sanyuan and two single-line areas of Zhuangqiao streets in the urban area. As a result, the local traffic circulation improved significantly, the universal praise of the masses. Currently, the number of the city's urban single-line and total single-line areas has reached 19 and 116 respectively.
It is informed that the Traffic Police Department has vetted the conditions of 15 congested road of provincial and municipal priorities, solve problems concerning 64 sites such as problem signs and markings, problem traffic lights, crosswalks settings; for problems at hospitals, schools, shopping malls, surrounding area farms, old quarters and other "dilemma" problems, we conducted reforms and traffic order adjustments to treat five major sites of traffic congestions, with currently four of them has completed treatment. The program of Liu Ting Street (which is near Women and Children Hospital), which has been developed, is about to start the treatment.
Parking is a hot issue difficult masses are constantly complaining of. So, the Traffic Police Department actively adjusts road parking management and carry out the work on optimizing the management of the central city. It has completed the filing of 9,869 parking sites after checking them one by one, determines the 1800 clean-up sites annually, with 619 of them completed, among them 530 targets have been basically completed in Haishu District.

Smart traffic thanks to scientific and technological services

Smart traffic system is playing an increasingly important role in treating traffic congestions and cementing traffic management services.
An official from Traffic Police Technology Department said that the Traffic Police Department promotes the construction of high-definition video systems, with currently a total of 1224 sets installed in the city and 10 sets in the national and provincial roads; on the one hand, it continue expanding the traffic monitoring network, with additional 80 surveillance sites at main urban roads and places. 10 sets of equipment at checkpoints were upgraded, real-time vehicle alarm system upgraded, thus activating the county (city) district alarm system. In addition, efforts to promote road construction "Green Belt" were made with additional six two-way green wave roads built to improve road and intersection traffic efficiency.
Traffic Police Department also does everything possible to use technological means to enhance the ability to serve the masses through the E self-service platform in dealing with traffic violations, totaling 85,500 cases. In addition, the department also promotes real-time text messages in informing illegal traffic conducts to enhance off-site enforcement deterrent.

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