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Export of honey from Ningbo rebounds

Recently, an order of 10 tons of honey produced by a honey company in Ningbo has been shipped to Saudi Arabia after on-site inspection and risk monitoring by Yuyao Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. This is the first time after a five-year period for Ningbo’s honey product to be exported to Saudi Arabian market. 
In 2012, Ningbo imported 1175.2 tons of honey, with a total export value of US$2.734 million, setting a record for the past five years. Then there came a downturn when in 2013, the import volume stood only at 508.4 tons, with a value of US$1.17 million. Since the beginning of 2014, honey production enterprises in Ningbo have made great efforts to expanding overseas markets while further improving the quality of their products, and the imports of honey have returned to the rising path. In the first seven months of this year, 734.3 tons of honey products were exported from Yuyao County, where most of Ningbo’s honey production enterprises are located, with a total value of over US$1.8 million. The export of honey has shown a strong rebound. 
Since the beginning of 2014, Ningbo has endeavored to actively implement the industrial model of “exporters + specialized cooperatives + beekeepers”, strictly monitor the quality of honey products and reduce the export risks. As a result, orders from old clients and new orders have both increased. By the end of July, Ningbo’s honey products have been exported to such new international markets as the South Africa, Japan, Australia, Bahrain and Brunei.

1st Ningbo Citizen Culture & Art Festival to be held

It is learned from the press conference held on August 26 that the 1st Ningbo Citizen Culture & Art festival, as well as the Cultural Consumption Month, will be held from September 1 to October 31, which will be the highest, largest and most influential comprehensive cultural and art event in Ningbo’s history. 
According to Zhang Songcai, Vice-director of the Propaganda Department of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Vice-director and Office Director of the organizing committee of the festival, the event will be held at both the municipal level and the county (or district) level. At the municipal level, besides the opening ceremony as well as the “cultural evening fair” activity, and the closing ceremony as well as the awarding ceremony, there will be 39 activities in four series, including entertainment shows, impression of Ningbo, book reading activities and opera shows. While at the county (or district) level, there will be 109 activities. Specifically speaking, the major activities include such high-level cultural events as the Contemporary Russian Oil Painting Exhibition, the 6th China International Vocal Singing Competition, the 1st Ningbo Opera Week, and the 1st “International Short Films Week” at Ningbo Culture Plaza, as well as such grassroots cultural activities as “Competition between Villages” to be held in Yinzhou District, and some entertainment shows to be held in Jiangbei District. 

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4th Smart City Expo to be held

It is learned from the press briefing held on August 22 that the 2014 China (Ningbo) Smart City Expo will be held from September 12 to 14. 300 well-known IT enterprises, network equipment manufacturers, suppliers of electronic and software for industries, and internet finance enterprises from home and abroad will attend the expo.
The major activities of this year’s session include various exhibitions and displays, themed forums, the launching ceremony for National Science Day (as well as the smart city science exhibition), and the contract signing ceremony for the expo. With a total exhibition area of 20,000 square meters, the expo will set up 1100 standard booths, and 10 themed exhibition areas, which account for 85% of the whole exhibition area. At the expo, the citizens will have the opportunity to “touch” the advanced achievements in the smart city development. 

Ningbo Culture Card to be issued

It is learned from the Preparatory Office of Ningbo Culture Card that Ningbo Culture Card, the first integrated consumption card in the cultural field in Ningbo, will be issued at the opening ceremony of the 1st Ningbo Citizen Culture & Art Festival on September 1. 
The card will be the first integrated consumption card in the cultural field, integrating the resources of the major cultural units and enterprises in such industries as newspaper, broadcasting and television, bookshops, cinemas and theaters, museums, entertainment, sports, artwork markets and tourism. The card holders can enjoy discounts in specified cultural units and get credit points accordingly, which may enable them to exchange certain goods with certain amounts.  
The involved cultural units and enterprises are those with certain reputation and popularity among citizens. So far, 60 enterprises have become member units of the cards, with over 100 stores. Some of the prominent members for the first batch include Ningbo Culture Sqaure, Ningbo Grand Theater, Ningbo Xinhua Bookstores, Fenglinwan Bookstores, Ningbo Time Cinema, Tianyi Pavilion, and Baoguo Temple. The culture card will adopt the real-name system and will be free of charge. The citizens can get a card after providing such simple personal information as valid identity documents and mobile phone number at the specified places at the Distribution Center of Ningbo Daily Group and Ningbo Xinhua Bookstores. 

First overseas station for overseas Chinese affairs established

To strengthen liaison with overseas Chinese and conserve resources of overseas Chinese affairs, the Overseas Chinese Affair Office of Haishu District established its first overseas station for overseas Chinese affairs in Sydney, Australia, where there is the largest amount of overseas Chinese of Haishu origin.
Xiong Han, an Australian overseas Chinese of Haishu origin, serves as the first director of the station. He expressed his hope of working closely with the Overseas Chinese Affair Office of Haishu District, uniting overseas Chinese communities and talents in Australia, and timely issuing the information on activities of overseas Chinese community and individuals. “We will also provide the overseas Chinese with the industrial policies of Haishu District in such fields as introducing overseas talents, technologies and projects, and carry out such services as project promotion and consultation.” The station will help to recommend and introduce various kinds of research institutes and innovation teams, as well as organizing talent fairs. Each year, it will recommend over 10 high-end overseas talents with projects to attend such activities to be held in Haishu District as talents, technologies and overseas students communication meetings.


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