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Mapletree Modern Innovation Industrial Base to be built

The project of Ningbo Mapletree Modern Innovation Industrial Base was signed at the 10th meeting of Zhejiang-Singapore Economic & Trade Council on November 24. On behalf of Ningbo Municipal Government, Vice-mayor Wang Jianhou signed the framework agreement for cooperative construction with the Mapletree Group.
According to the agreement, Singapore Mapletree Group will construct and operate the industrial base by means of multi-park and dislocation development, comprehensive planning and scheduled phase construction. The first phase of the project, including three sub-projects, will settle down in Jiangbei District, Cixi County and Yuyao County respectively, covering such industries as health industry, business, residential housing, logistics and high-end manufacturing, with a total investment of about US$1 billion.

1st Citizen Culture & Art Festival ends

The closing ceremony of the 1st Ningbo Citizen Culture & Art Festival as well as the awarding ceremony for "Good Songs from Ningbo" was held at Ningbo Grand Theatre on the evening of November 24. Hong Jiaxiang, Member of the Standing Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee made a speech on the ceremony, and also attended the ceremony were Weng Lumin, Deputy-director of the Standing Committee of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Chairman of Ningbo Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Vice-mayor Zhang Minghua, and Jiang Jianwei, Deputy-chairman of Ningbo CPPCC.
At the ceremony, six organizations were awarded the prize for distinctive organization of the festival activities, including Ningbo Performing Arts Group, Ningbo Cultural Center, the Propaganda Department of Yuyao County Party Committee, the Propaganda Department of Zhenhai District Party Committee, Ningbo Literary and Art Volunteer Society and Ningbo Cultural Plazza Investment Co. Ltd. In addition, all the other prizes were awarded, such as the most influential international award, the media attention award, the most popular award, cultural public welfare award, cultural consumption promotion award and city image promotion award.
This session of the Citizen Culture & Art Festival lasted for two months, integrating the public welfare cultural consumption month activity to satisfy the public's demand for spirit culture. Over 150 cultural activities covered almost all the categories of culture and art, involving all the cultural venues and cultural transmission carriers in Ningbo.

Read more: 1st Citizen Culture & Art Festival ends


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Ningbo, China, 21 November 2014 - Embracing Ningbo with our heartfelt hospitality, Shangri-La hotel Ningbo hosted an Appreciation Dinner on 21st November 2014 to celebrate Shangri-La 30 years of service excellence and to express appreciation to our valued guests’ generous support during the past 5 years.  

Shangri-la Hotel, Hangzhou’s November 22 anniversary marks 30 years of Shangri-La hospitality in China.For three decades, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts has been at the forefront of the hospitality industry in mainland China. Nearly half of Shangri-La’s China hotels were the first international five-star hotel to open in their city. Shangri-La has been a trailblazer, bringing tourism and employment opportunities and a commitment to community wherever it has opened hotels. Over the years as the group has grown its collection of China hotels from one to 41, Shangri-La has become the most recognised and respected international luxury hotel brand in the country. It is the Asian tradition of warmth and hospitality – expressed by Shangri-La through its philosophy of “embracing a stranger as one’s own” –that distinguishes Shangri-La’s hospitality.


Utility Costs in Secondier China Cities


In this 2nd Tier Insight, we conducted an analysis on the average cost of utilities in different cities across China. We hope you find the data useful in predicting the average living cost in the areas we included. Utilities Cost Chart-1*Our data was collected using stats for an average family of four per month, analysing the cost of; electricity (1500 Kwh), gas (50 m³), water (25 m³), internet (4 MB) and the management fees for accommodation. City Utilities Cost BreakdownQuite predictably, the two most expensive cities to live in, according to our research, were Beijing and Shanghai. In fact, our results suggested that it costs over RMB 1000 more, per month, to live in Beijing than Ningbo. While electricity in Beijing is relatively cheap, RMB 1070 per 1500 Kwh, the management fees for accomodation are significantly higher than any other of our analysed cities; costing RMB 1250 per 250 m².

Some results, however, were quite surprising. Haikou, for example, the scenic capital of the island province Hainan, had a higher overall cost than established first-tier cities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Haikou’s electricity costs were the clinching factor in this result – in fact, Haikous’s electricity at RMB 1361.45 per 1500 Kwh was the most expensive of all our cities, the second being Shanghai at  RMB 1329.90. Cost of living in Haikou is unfortunately likely to continue rising as more and more people continue to be attracted to the area. It is a beautiful city, the second least polluted in China, and, due to it’s geographical position next to South East Asia, has a thriving commerce industry.

Behind Shenzhen, in fourth place, was Zhuhai, located on the southernmost tip of Guangdong, bordering Macau. While the two most expensive costs, electricity and management fees were relatively cheap in Zhuhai, it’s gas prices were through the roof, costing 245 m³!

The results from prominent second tier cities like Chengdu, Chongqing and Qingdao were moderate; around RMB 2000 per month. The cost of electricity for these cities was almost identical, however Chengdu’s management fees were slightly higher, reflecting the increasing development of the city that is driving up living costs in the area. Chongqing’s management costs were in the mid-range of our results, largely attributable to the explosion of retail and housing development in the last century. This surplus allows the city to keep retail rental costs down, enticing further FDI to the area.

The cheapest areas of our analysis, Xi’an, Changchun and Ningbo, have high potential for further development. Despite, per capita income being low in these areas, keeping living costs down, the industries of these areas are highly important; Xi’an now has one of the country’s most important aerospace research institutes; Changchun has the largest automobile trade zone in China; and Ningbo has one of China’s largest trading ports, second only to Shanghai!Utilities Cost Table

The table below gives a complete overview of utility cost in China:Utilities Cost Table









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